This topic collected 13 September in the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after Vasyl Tarnovsky, who...
There is nothing better than thanking those, who helps, тим, who is in trouble for Ukraine...
5 September 2023 , in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, a special meeting "Mystery...
28 August (15 August according to Art. Art.) the Orthodox Church commemorates the Assumption of the Mother of God. About the transition...
In the photo 1917 year, which was made in the great hall of the House of Nobles' Assembly in Chernihiv,...
19 August (6 August according to Art. Art.) one of the most important in the annual calendar is celebrated..
The process of creating a 3D model of a gun 1631 year in photos. Довжина – 138 see. Caliber -...
According to the results of the activity of the https platform:// to host 3D models for the first week of August 2023 year...
The 14th All-Russian Archaeological Congress was the most significant scientific and cultural event in Chernihiv of the 20th century. Decision about his...
6 August (24 July according to Art. Art.) The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy princes of the martyrs Boris..