"Kobzar" by Ivan Nechuy-Levytskyi

Чернігівський історичний музей імені В. In. Tarnovsky is famous for its cultural treasures, which are kept in his library and funds. In recent years, the museum has popularized and studied the cultural treasures of the Ukrainian people, manifestations of his indomitable national spirit gained special importance in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Among the rare books of the museum library, the unique "Kobzar" stands out, which belonged to a prominent Ukrainian writer, ethnographer and teacher, known first, thanks to such stories, as: "Kaidasheva family" and "Mykola Dzhera". Quite understandable, that we are talking about a prominent Ukrainian - Ivan Nechuy-Levytskyi (1838–1918), якому 25 November (for a new style) is fulfilled 185 years from the date of birth. About, that "Kobzar" belonged to the writer is evidenced by a donation inscription from the Ukrainian intelligentsia of the second half of the 19th century. on the cover of the book: “Dear Ivan Semenovich / 1 flower 1889 r." Under this gift inscription are the autographs of such prominent Ukrainians: composer, pianist and conductor - Mykola Lysenko (1842–1912); lexicography, linguist, folklorist and public figure - Pavlo Zhitetskyi (1836–1911); педагога, philologist and public figure - Volodymyr Naumenko (1852–1919); linguist and ethnographer - Kostyantyn Mikhalchuk (1841–1914); linguist, folklore, journalist and historian - Ivan Novytskyi (1844–1890); the writer, ethnographer and art critic - Vasyl Horlenka (1853–1907). The last signature among them has not yet been identified. Втім, quite understandable, that the gift was made by a cohort of people, who knew and deeply respected the literary talent of Ivan Stepanovych and his achievements in popularization, development of Ukrainian literature and language. The date of the gift of the book remains a mystery. На 1889 year the writer was supposed to celebrate his 51st birthday and he was born in autumn, and not in the spring. We can assume, that "Kobzar" was presented on the occasion of another anniversary of the writer's creative activity. However, the writer's first stories were printed in Lviv 1868 year and data on subsequent anniversaries vary. Наприклад, And. Franko indicated, that 1895 he celebrated the 25th anniversary of literary activity[i]. M. Grinchenko reported on the anniversary of 1893 Dr..[ii] С. Efremov wrote about another anniversary of the writer 1904 Dr..[iii] So, if the anniversary fell on 1889 рік, then his literary activity should fall on 1870 рік, which is not true. It's a completely different thing, if Ivan Stepanovych himself subjectively considered this very date to be the serious beginning of his literary activity. In this case, the jubilee would celebrate his 20th anniversary in the literary field this year, but it is impossible to state this unequivocally. Therefore, the question of the holiday or event in honor of which this "Kobzar" would be presented to the writer remains open.

The choice of a gift was due to the fact that, that everyone from the writer's circle knew him as an ardent admirer and follower of T. Shevchenko. He read "Kobzar" when he was a young man[iv]. Reading the collection of works of the outstanding Ukrainian poet had a decisive influence on the further life path of the future writer and publicist. It can be argued, that Taras Hryhorovych became a high example of literary skill for him, and the spirit of his creativity permeated the writer's entire life with a red thread. Тож, the choice of such a gift is quite understandable.

Later this "Kobzar", as is known from the gift autograph of Ivan Semenovych himself on the same endpaper, was transferred by him to 1916 year, that is, about a year or a half before his death, “To the Kiev City Museum...” (now the National Museum of the History of Ukraine). Why approximately? Because he did not specify the exact date of the donation. How he got to Chernihiv, so it still remains a mystery. We can only assume, that "Kobzar" during the Second World War, when many museum objects from Ukraine were evacuated to the rear regions of the former Soviet Union and were hidden there for some time, on the way back, he accidentally got into our museum with other things, where it is now in the museum library.

The book is in satisfactory condition. Its size: 190 х 274 мм. The binding is made of strong and rather thick leather-covered cardboard in black color with gold embossing of plant-ornamental frames along the edges of the upper and lower binding covers, the title of the book is printed in the middle of the upper one ("Kobzar") with flower bouquet to left, below is an excerpt from the work and a facsimile of the poet's signature, plant-geometric ornaments on the stem, the words "Shevchenko // KOBZAR". Book block with a gilded edge. The endpaper is dark blue, almost black, with a golden "vegetable" pattern. A pleat was attached to the root, i.e. bookmark, from a thin strip of blue fabric. Now it is located between the pages of the book, separated from the root. At the beginning of the edition, before the title, an existing title with the name "Kobzar". A portrait of the poet with a signature is placed on the frontispiece of the book: "oven[at]. from steel F. A. Brockhaus in Leipzig". The name is indicated on the title: «Т. T. Shevchenko// Collected works // Tom Pershy // Kobzar". The quote is printed below: "Observe, my brothers,// The youngest brother,// Let the swear words make you smile,// Tearful swearing!». A frame with a geometric orange-dark-blue ornament is placed around the edges of the page. At the end of the book between two pages in front of the endpaper in the center of the page is an ornamented frame with text: «№ 80// The composition of the edition is in Kyiv at the bookseller Luka Vasylievich // Ilnitsky, Khreschatytska Square, House of Nobility; in Peter-//burzy in the book warehouse at the printing house of M. M. Stasyulevich, // In[Asilievsky]. О[island]., d. № 7».

The book was printed in 1883 year (140 років тому) in the typography of V.S. Balasheva in St. Petersburg. The binding was created in the St. Petersburg workshop "V. Kryun" at the address "Kazanskaya 37...", as evidenced by a sticker with an embossed oval seal of the workshop in white letters on an orange background (a kind of advertisement and mark of quality of the bookbinding workshop) at the end of the book on the undecorated side of the endpaper.

In this book, the works of T. Shevchenko printed with initials on expensive vellum paper in Ukrainian, but transliterated in Russian letters, i.e. transmitted by the so-called "Yarizhka". The works are arranged in chronological order by the time of their publication. The collection is also supplemented with Taras Hryhorovych's historical drama "Nazar Stodolya". It was all produced in such a luxurious binding 100 copies of "Kobzar" and each of them had its own number[v]. One of them is now in the funds of the Taras Shevchenko National Museum in Kyiv[vi].

That is, a copy of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V. In. Tarnovsky is a rare and unique publication, a peculiar treasure of Ukrainian culture, which needs to be popularized among the residents of Chernihiv and Ukrainians in general.

Researcher of the museum,

Candidate of Historical Sciences Valentin Rebenok

[i] Franko I. Anniversary of Ivan Levitskyi (Not hearing). Literary and scientific herald. 1905. Т. 29. Ch. II. С. 36.

[ii] Tereshchenko O. Everyday life and work of I. Nechuya-Levytskyi: through the eyes of contemporaries. Ukrainian historical collection. 2017. Vip. 19. С. 375-376.

[iii] Efremov S. Ivan Levitsky Nechuy. Kyiv-Leipzig: The main Ukrainian waybill, be. d. С. 43.

[iv] Pavlova O. F. Role of T. T. Shevchenko in the development of the creative personality of I. С. Nechuya-Levytskyi. Archives of Ukraine: science and practice. journal. К.: 2014. № 5-6, С. 60.

[v] Belyaeva L. IN., Voichenko I. D. "Kobzar" T. T. Shevchenko in the funds of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. And. Вернадського: bibliographic research / NAS of Ukraine, National. University of Ukraine named after V. And. Вернадського; redkol.: О. С. Onishchenko (head) and others.; наук. consultant B. С. Borodin. К., 2014. Electronic source: http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/E_LIB/PDF/EIF000100.pdf С. 39-41.

[vi] ibid. С. 41.