Fed and. Cossack Hetmanate seal (middle of the seventeenth – XVIII ст.). For archives of Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky
And Shtankina. Chernihiv tile end of the XVI – early twentieth centuries (genesis, typology, artistic and stylistic features)
There Nogin. Neolithic North-Eastern Ukraine
Pea M. Establishment and operation of Torhsynu in Chernihiv (1932-1936 years.)
And Synelnyk. Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnovsky: instytutsionnyy development, areas of work, formation stock assembly (kinets hih – beginning of the XXI century.)
A Laevsky. Starodub Regiment Cossack officers in the second half of the seventeenth – ХVІІІ ст.
Bondar O. Historical topography in Chernihiv XIV – ХVІІІ ст.
Can you give me an electronic version of the abstract and Synelnyka. “Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnovsky: instytutsionnyy development, areas of work, formation stock assembly (end of XIX - the beginning of XXI century.)” ? Please)