The history of Torgsyn in pictures (1930-1936)

25 June 2023 Dr.. in the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. VV. Tarnovsky was given the author's lecture by a senior researcher, candidate of historical sciences Mykola Horokh on the topic: "History of Torgsyn in pictures". Visitors were able to get acquainted with the history of the infamous and unknown organization at the same time, яка існувала протягом 1930–1936 рр. on the territory of the Soviet Union. Torgsyn personified all that was hostile, what socialism struggled with - market relations, legal circulation of foreign currency and precious metals, speculation, capital accumulation, operation. It was thanks to Torgsyn that the state managed to build the first industrial giants of Stalinist industrialization, instead, Soviet citizens had to pay a heavy price for it: the loss of a part of history, культури, the continuity of the transmission of family heirlooms and national identity itself.

Відвідувачам лекції вдалося познайомитися зі 100 унікальними світлинами, made by domestic and foreign photographers, some of which are still little known to the general public. In the pictures, it was possible to compare the appearance of a metropolitan department store and a peripheral store, to see the shelves with goods and shop interiors, to look into the eyes of the Torgsyn workers. Своєрідним бонусом для поціновувачів музейних зустрічей у стінах Чернігівського історичного музею ім. In. In. Тарновського стала можливість безпосередньо потримати в руках оригінальні знімки, dated 1933 та 1934 роками з приватної колекції Миколи Гороха.