Museum history pages. Костянтин Іванович Самбурський

A significant role in the history of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. VV. Тарновського відіграв Костянтин Іванович Самбурський, церковнослужитель за освітою і місцем роботи та краєзнавець, museum curator, колекціонер, an amateur archaeologist by profession, the meaning of his life. He was born 1 June (20 May according to Art. Art.) 1869 Dr.. with y. Bezuglivka of the Nizhyn district. 40 років його життя було пов’язане із с. Гужівкою, which is near Ichna, where is he from 1894 to 1920 Dr.. worked in a church school and served as a psalmist. there he died homeless and hungry 1934 year.

A very extraordinary personality, a parochial school teacher, researcher and guardian of historical and cultural monuments of the Chernihiv region, він з 1902 Dr.. was a member of the Chernihiv Scientific Archival Commission (WAIT UNTIL), in 1906–1908 he was noted as an active representative of the Chernihiv preliminary committee for the organization of the 14th Archaeological Congress in Borznyan and Nizhyn regions. On 1909 Dr.. К.І. Sambursky - a member of the Church Archaeological Commission, during the years 1911–1916, he worked as a custodian of the Chernihiv diocesan repository of antiquities (ЧЕД), actively replenished his collection, eg: in 1915 Dr.. he transported archives and cult objects from the Maksakiv and Novgorod-Siversky monasteries to the Central State University. In 1919–1926 as a freelancer, i.e. free of charge, an employee of the Provincial Office of Internal Affairs and Communications, and after that, he searched for and collected monuments of history and culture of the Chernihiv State Museum. Evidence of his donation of artifacts to the museum can be found in the "Works of CHAK", in the catalogs "Exhibitions of the Chernihiv Archaeological Museum" and "Chernihiv United Historical Museum"…”. Essay on his guardianship of the heritage of Kachanivka in January 1925 Dr.. was placed in the "Red Banner" column.

K. Sambursky studied at the theological school, acquired knowledge in the field of history through self-education, archeology, of museum affairs and special historical disciplines. He created his own "home" museum, known as the Museum in the Village, provided exhibits from his own collection to the exhibitions of the Kharkiv and Chernihiv archaeological congresses.

К.І. Самбурський вів щоденник, which considered not only private notes, but also a source for studying the history of the people, Chernihiv region, countries, which is worth keeping in the Academy of Sciences. 22 May 1927 Dr.. wrote about himself: “…my main occupation is archeology and museum affairs, which I do to this day". Do 2015 році збережену частину щоденника В. Моренець і В. Шевченко упорядкували і видрукували у перекладі українською мовою.

Scientific secretary of the museum, Ludmila Linyuk