18 April 2024 року до Дня пам’яток історії та культури у Чернігівському обласному історичному музеї ім. VV. Тарновського була проведена музейна зустріч з фахівцями Національного науково-дослідного реставраційного центру України.
Музей вже довгий час співпрацює з Реставраційним центром щодо порятунку, набуття експозиційного вигляду та відновлення предметів з музейної колекції.
Співробітники центру розповіли про кропіткий та тривалий процес реставрації предмету з Шестовицького курганного могильника. In particular, about the unique and unique "purse bag" of the 10th century. with the image of a griffin, kept from the Museum's collection. The handbag was restored by the team of the research department of the restoration of metal works headed by the head artist-restorer of the highest category Viktor Golub. Its restoration took more than ten years and required considerable effort.
Chernihiv archaeologists discovered a small fanny pack in 2006 year during the excavation of a mound near the village of Shestovytsia. Near this settlement, as a result of archaeological research during the 20th and early 21st centuries. the most Viking burials were found on the territory of Ukraine. The find lay in the ground for about a thousand years. When the restorers took an X-ray, then the picture showed the image of a griffin, engraving.
The general director of the National Research Restoration Center of Ukraine Svitlana Strelnikova was also present at the meeting.
Employees of the Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky are sincerely grateful to fellow restorers for their hard work, professional and highly professional work, which saves monuments of national and world importance.
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