Chernihiv seals from the Radomyshl museum

Recently, the funds of the Radomyshl National Museum of Local History have been replenished with several seals, including two, directly related to Chernihiv Oblast. At our request, colleagues kindly sent photos of the artifacts.

A round bronze seal contains the inscription in a circle " * CHERNIGOVSKY COUNTY MAYOR", по центру – тризуб, on either side of which is the letter "U", "D" ("Ukrainian state"). Handle lost. The Ukrainian language in the inscription and the correct image of the coat of arms are appealing, which has the appearance of a braid. The second seal is octagonal, bronze with the inscription “INSPECTOR OF THE CHERNIGOV PROVINCIAL GUARD”. Handle lost. Both artifacts belong to the period of P. Skoropadskiy (April–December 1918 р.).

Seal "CHERNIGOVSKY COUNTY MAYOR" and its mirror image


In May 1918 Dr.. the State Guard was created, which was entrusted with the functions of the police. It lasted until January 1919 Dr.. The Guard was subordinated to the governors of the provinces, counties, and it was managed by an inspector and a chief, respectively. So we have a block of seals. We will remind, that in the collection of the Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum there is a matrix of the Prylutsky District Guard. Let's return to the language of inscriptions. One is Russian, the other is Russian, as stated, Ukrainian but with an error in the word "CHERNIGOVSKY", where instead of "O" there should be "I". The explanation of this error and the Russian language of one of the legends is obvious. These are the consequences of centuries-old Russification policy of the tsar, which, as modern events show, is not easy to get rid of. These seals were donated to the Radomysl Museum by a private person. The geography of the find indicates the evacuation route of representatives or representatives of the Chernihiv authorities, when in january 1919 Dr.. Chernihiv was captured by the Bolsheviks and had to escape to the Right Bank, taking the documents, печатки…

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