Information space: together to victory

Annually 6 Journalists' Day is celebrated in Ukraine in June. This holiday was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk in 1994 year. Date 6 June was not chosen by chance – exactly on this day in 1992 In Brussels, the Union of Journalists of Ukraine was accepted into the International Federation of Journalists, which is the world's largest organization of professional media workers. Journalist's Day is a professional holiday of journalists, correspondents, reporters, editors and all, who works in the information field. It is they who, with their work, make a significant contribution to the formation of public opinion, education of high moral qualities.

Currently, our country lives under the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion. The work of journalists now occupies a special place, since the aggressor is waging war not only on land, at sea and in the air, but also on the information front, spreading numerous fakes. Thanks to the journalists, Ukrainians and the world community can learn objective information about war crimes, committed by the occupiers on the territory of Ukraine.

To the museum meeting "Information space: together to victory", which took place on the eve of Journalist's Day, 5 June 2023 year, in Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky, a journalist came, volunteer and public figure Tetyana Myrhorodska, news producer Suspilne Chernihiv Andriy Titok and news presenter Alina Klymenko. They told the audience about the work of journalists in wartime, about courage and heroism of our defenders and about difficulties, which arise during the preparation of military-themed stories. In particular, Tatiana Myrhorodska talked about working on the film "Portraits from the War", which won the grand prize at the international television and radio festival "Viburnum Bridges" in Poland, about a trip together with the parents of fallen soldiers to Stanytsia Luhanska in November 2017 year, about volunteering, which she does to this day together with her father Serhii, rector of the church of All Saints in Nizhyn, military chaplain.

Andriy Titok, in turn, shared his memories of working on the documentary "Battle for Chernihiv", which to date is the most complete video history of the defense of Chernigov, filmed based on the memories of the military. Recently, the film received the award of the most prestigious competition of professional Ukrainian journalism "Honor of the Profession".

Alina Klymenko recalled the anxious days of February-March 2022 year, when she was staying with her family in Chernihiv, collected information and filmed it, what happened in the city.

During the meeting, journalists handed over objects to the museum, which will complement the already existing exhibition "Racism = fascism. Chernihiv 1941-2022" and will be used in the future during the construction of the new exposition, which will cover the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Chernihiv Oblast.

And at the end of the event, a bandurist band named after. Ostap Veresaya (managers - Honored Artist of Ukraine Raisa Borshch and Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Mykola Borshch) Chernihiv Regional Philharmonic Center of Festivals and Concert Programs.

Dear journalists, correspondents, reporters, editors and all, who works in the information field, employees of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. VV. Tarnovsky sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish a peaceful sky, good health, inspiration, creative achievements in the name of Victory and the establishment of democratic principles in our state. May your open and sincere word continue to serve the truth, goodness and justice, and fate will be kind to you and give you happiness and health for long, long summers.

Старший науковий співробітник музею

Lyudmila Trikashna