Museum employees: Petro Mykhailovych Dobrovolskyi

28 January 1871 Dr.. with y. A well-known historian was born in Stari Yarylovichi, museum curator, архівіст, local historian Petro Mykhailovych Dobrovolskyi. На початку 1899 Dr.. was elected a member of the Chernihiv Provincial Academic Archival Commission (WAIT UNTIL), and in 1902 Dr.. - managing her affairs, who also took care of the commission's Historical Museum. It was from the museum of the archival commission that the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. VV. Tarnovsky.

Petro Mykhailovych became that driving force, which breathed fresh air into the commission's work. Thanks to his fantastic diligence, energy, the museum began to transform from an "interesting panopticon" into a research and cultural and educational institution, which collects, keeps, I research and popularize the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people.

Dobrovolskyi started collecting expeditions, according to the then terminology - excursions, conducted archaeological excavations, studied the archives. Collections of ethnographic monuments were replenished through his efforts, archeology, cult things, documents, etc. He made a new one, a thorough catalog of the museum's collection. Професіоналізм Петра Михайловича високо оцінив український історик і музеолог Д.І. Яворницький, which 25 January 1905 Dr.. visited the museum, also"…found rare things and exceptional love … П.М. Добровольського, who puts his whole soul into the work. I leave the museum with deep gratitude and take with me a bright idea of ​​it.".

Petro Mykhailovych was the secretary of the Chernihiv Preliminary Committee of the 14th Archaeological Congress, prepared the catalog of his exhibition; made an effort, that the "heritage of the congress" - collections donated to the city, got to the CHAK Museum. Thanks to this in 1909 Dr.. the Chernihiv Joint Museum of the City and Scientific Archive Commission was established in memory of the 1000th anniversary of the historical existence of the city. Chernihiv is the first swallow on the way to unify the city's museums. So we have to remember, that in today's Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. VV. Тарновського матеріалізована і часточка праці і душі П.М. Добровольського.

Ties are women's headdresses from the museum's collection,

collected in the village. Karkhivka of Chernihiv District in 1902–1904.

Petro Mykhailovych died 3 September 1910 р., buried in Chernihiv near Resurrection Church.


Scientific secretary of the museum, Ludmila Linyuk