Historical Museum of the Chernihiv Scientific Archive Commission

26 January 2023 in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, as part of the "Museum History Pages" project, the first Museum meeting "Historical Museum of the Chernihiv Scientific Archive Commission" was held.

Перший чернігівський публічний музей офіційно був відкритий 26 November 1896 Dr.. as a constituent part of the public organization of the historical and local history direction - Chernihiv Provincial Scientific Archive Commission (WAIT UNTIL).

Exhibits to the "nascent" museum began to arrive in June 1895 р., серед них, eg: table medal commemorating the "100th anniversary of the founding of the Free Economic Society" (липень 1895) and the spiral "Kuzma and Demyan" (початок 1896), in general to 400 from., mainly - coins. In addition to gifts, another important source of replenishment of the museum collection was the statutory activity of the CHAK: examination of archival documents, control over earthworks and construction works, examination of immovable monuments. The head of the CHAK Museum was the manager of the commission's affairs. On 1897 to 1902 in 2010, he was the writer and publisher Pavlo Mykytovych Tykhanov (1839–1905), who compiled the first catalog of the museum (1900).

Work intensified significantly with the appointment of a well-known Chernihiv historian, краєзнавця, museologist and archivist Pyotr Mykhailovych Dobrovolskyi (1871–1910), who started collecting expeditions - "excursions", signed a new one, thorough catalog, popularized the museum's collections at the 12th and 13th Archaeological Congresses. On 1904 Dr.. members of the archival commission began to carry out archaeological excavations, finds were transferred to the museum. Much was done in the preparation of the XIV, of Chernihiv, congress (1908).

In 1909 Dr.. a new stage of the museum's history has begun: exhibits of the exhibition of the 14th Archaeological Congress were added to it, which remained as a gift to Chernihiv for the creation of a city museum. The museum received a new name - Chernihiv United Historical Museum of the City and Scientific Archive Commission, in memory of the 1000th anniversary of the historical existence of the city. Chernihiv. Funds for the purchase of exhibits began to be provided and the position of museum curator was introduced, he became Yevhen Oleksandrovich Kornoukhov (1881–1919). He built a new exposition, prepared the catalog of the United Museum, researched the archives, ecclesiastical antiquities and participated in archaeological excavations

Do 1919 Dr.. the museum was transferred to the subordination of the regional COPMIS, was named the Second Soviet Museum. It was headed by Volodymyr Gennadiyovych Drozdov (1879–1931?), the organizer and, to 1914 р., head of the Chernihiv diocesan antiquities repository. In 1921 Dr.. started, reorganization of Chernihiv museums. The museum of the archival commission became a historical and archaeological museum. Cult objects were removed from it, ethnography, things of noble life, instead, they handed him archaeological finds and numismatics and photographs.

Do 1923 Dr.. near the museum, archeologist Petro Ivanovich Smolichev came (1891– 1944). In the same year, five Chernihiv museums de jure became departments of the Chernihiv State Museum. Historical and archaeological department, still, was housed in a building on the corner of Honchoa and Preobrazhenska Streets. Do 1924 Dr.. after the renovation, visitors were greeted by an updated exhibition, exhibitions "Old Chernihiv" and "Workshops of the 17th-18th centuries".

In March 1926, the Chernihiv State Museum became an accomplished fact: all departments moved to the building of the former land bank (now - regional library named after. V.G. Korolenka). Завершилася 30-річна історія першого чернігівського загальнодоступного музею. Now his collections "live" tell the history of his native land to visitors of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. VV. Tarnovsky.

Scientific secretary of the museum, Ludmila Linyuk