Україна. Path to Unification

18 January 2023 in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky Museum meeting "Ukraine. Path to Unification " (to the Day of the Assembly of Ukraine and the 105th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic). Under that name even in 2019 year the museum was created traveling exhibition.

At the beginning of the event, the participants honored the memory of the fallen Defenders of Ukraine with a moment of silence, victims of the Russian terrorist act in. Dnipro and accidents in. Breweries.

105 років тому, 22 January 1918 year, for the first time in the 20th century, Ukrainians proclaimed the independence of their own state - the Ukrainian People's Republic. 24 August 1991 year its restoration took place. In 1919 year, also 22 January, in Kyiv — the proclamation of the Act of Unification of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's Republic.

Religiousness is a fundamental value of our people from the time of Kyivan Rus to the present day. It is a necessary condition for our existence, development and future.

Ukrainian national revolution started in March 1917 year. It was formed by the legislative authority - the Ukrainian Central Rada. 7 November 1917 Ukrainian People's Republic was established in (UPR) - Ukrainian state with its capital in Kiev. 18 October 1918 in Lviv Ukrainian politicians in Eastern Galicia and Bukovina Ukrainian National Council established, яка озвучила прагнення всіх західноукраїнських земель об’єднатися в єдину державу. 13 November 1918 The Ukrainian National Council proclaimed the creation of the West Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR).

Українська Національна рада ЗУНР 3 January 1919 was unanimously passed a resolution to merge with the Ukrainian People's Republic, in which noted in particular: "Ukrainian National Council, fulfilling the right to self-determination of the Ukrainian people, declares solemnly connection ZUNR and UNR one odnotsilnu sovereign republic ".

Act of Union and the UPR ZUNR in one state - Unification Act was proclaimed Ukrainian lands 22 January 1919 Dr.. in Sofia Square in Kiev.

The meeting was organized and held jointly with the North-Eastern Interregional Department of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. In particular, employees of this institution, Serhii Horobets, spoke (Ph.D.) and Serhii Butko, who told those present about the centuries-old desire of the Ukrainian people for independence, a difficult path to Catholicism and Independence.

The author of the exhibition, senior researcher of the museum, Svitlana Sergeeva, noted, that the occupation of Chernihiv Oblast by Bolshevik troops at the beginning 1919 hindered the process of Ukrainian state-building in the region. Elections to the Labor Congress of Ukraine were held only on the territory of Kozeletskyi, Nizhyn and Chernihiv counties of Chernihiv province and Prylutsky county of Poltava province. Elected representatives from Chernihiv Oblast took part in the announcement of the Act of Unification of the UNR and ZUNR and the next day in the work of the Labor Congress of Ukraine.