Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered and famous saints. A large number of churches and monasteries were built and are being built in his honor. Many people turn to him in their prayers, honoring the saint as such, which soon responds to requests made to him.
One of the vivid evidences of the special veneration of St. Nicholas throughout the Christian world is the widespread distribution of his iconography. Apparently there is no church or home prayer corner, wherever there is an icon of this saint. Images of St. Nicholas are kept in the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky as an individual, and depicted on some church items from museum collections. These objects were once studied and researched by museum scientists: Anna Arendar, Igor Sity, Світлана Половнікова, Віра Зайченко, Lyudmila Sita, Volodymyr Kovalenko, Olena Veremiychyk.
Nicholas the Wonderworker was depicted on objects, which belonged to customers of the highest social status and made of the most expensive materials. Thus, the oldest museum monument with the saint's face is the Prince's Chalice of the 12th century. A silver bowl in diameter 24,9 see (inv. Arch № 239) was the property of Prince Svyatoslav Olhovych of Chernihiv, who bore the name Mykolai at baptism. In the center, a round medallion with a bust of his heavenly patron is made in the high relief technique. Holy warriors in a circle. The features of the saint's face are skillfully worked out by a cutter. Most likely, the bowl was made to order in one of the jewelry workshops of Constantinople. It was found during archaeological research of the Chernihiv cub (namely, the territory of the princely court on the 2nd floor. XII - ser. XIII.) in October 1985 Dr.. as part of the treasure which included 25 silver jewelry, 2 ingots and 3 silver bowls (excavations of Volodymyr Kovalenko).
Next in age is the little one (4,2 х 3,6 see) carved icon of Saint Nicholas (inv. № А 38-22/217) from purple pyrophyllite found by employees of the Chernihiv Historical Museum in 1970 Dr.. when examining the complex of archaeological monuments near the village. Шестовиця. The icon dates back to the 2nd century. XIII-XIV centuries. Although it is broken in its upper part, the saint is easily recognizable by its iconographic features and part of the inscription, що зберігся.
Another icon (inv. No. I-1987) already in the 19th century. St. Nicholas from the museum collection has its own special performance technique. It is completely covered with embroidery made of silver and gold threads, a battle, inviter, sparkles, foil on the map, the felon of the saint is sewn with blue and blue smooth silk. Gospel in cherry velvet hand. The face and hands are picturesque. Icon size 36,5 х 27,5 see.
The image of the saint is also found in the subjects of the wonderful silver plates of the enthroned Gospels from the museum collection, which are examples of high jewelry art. Horse frames are among such highly artistic products. XVII - beginning. XVIII ст. enshrined in the Gospels 1771 Dr.. (inv. № Al-215) from the printing house of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Most likely, the salary older than the book itself was taken from an old worn-out book. On the lower board in the center is an oval middle with the figure of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with raised blessing hands. Scenes from the life and miracles of the saint are carved around the perimeter of the board and at the base. In terms of artistic features, the painting can be attributed to the works of Ukrainian goldsmiths.
The Gospel is on the other side (inv. № Al-179) 1688 Dr.. the work of the Gdansk master Peter Rode II, the central medallion of the bottom board also contains the image of St. Nicholas. The Gospel was donated by Chernigov burgher Vlasius with his wife Yustyna and sons Mykolaiv and Joseph to the Mykolaiv Church in Chernigov, about which the gift inscription has been preserved in the book.
Another Gospel (inv. No. Al-202) decorated with an exquisite salary 1757 Dr.. with emeralds, rubies, rock crystal once belonged to the Mykolaiv Hadiac monastery. Of course, his salary also has an image of the patron saint of this monastery. It is most likely the work of a Ukrainian goldsmith.
The presence of his image on highly artistic examples of liturgical sewing can be attributed to the iconographic evidence of veneration of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The museum collection contains two busts of felons, on which we also see the figure of the saint.
On the first shoulder (inv. No. I-1256) early. XVIII c. from red gold brocade in the center composition - "St. Nicholas" in a solidly stitched medallion with rays. The embroidery is made with gold and silver threads in the attachment. The face and hands are picturesque. Unfortunately, the painting on the face is lost.
Another shoulder (inv. No. I-1260) more solemn. It dates back to the 1st century. ХІХ ст. The composition is two-tiered. From the bottom in the center is a throne with a chalice, the cross and the Gospel. On either side of him are saints without signature names. The iconographic features of the figures are reminiscent of the holy prophet King David and the great martyr Varvara (left) and St. Dimitry of Rostov and St. Mary of Egypt (right). The figure of St. Nicholas on a cloud surrounded by two angels is especially highlighted in the composition. The quilting is made of gold, silver, blue and beige threads, a battle, flat and convex sequins on the map. Face, arms, - picturesque. In general, the painting has been preserved in good condition.
We meet images of St. Nicholas on exquisitely decorated epitrachyls from the museum's collection. In the compositions, the saint occupies an honorable place among the fathers and teachers of the Church, which emphasizes their joint great priestly and preaching service (єпитрахилі: inv. No. I-1352, I-1353, I-1365, I-1382).
Veneration of Saint Nicholas was also reflected in a large number of literary works. In the past, people especially liked to read the lives of saints. Lives is a verbal icon of the saint. So "Chetia-Minei" of the tireless hagiographer Saint Dimitry (It thumped), on which he worked selflessly for twenty years, became one of the most popular works of the people, which has not lost its significance in our time. In the collection of old prints of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky's book of the lives of saints for December-Lithium is preserved (Інв. No. Al-410) issued in 1695 year in the printing house of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. At one time, its owner was the outstanding Ukrainian historian Oleksandr Lazarevskyi, what is indicated by the stamp on the endpaper "Aleksandr Lazarevskaho Library". Near the title of the life of St. Nicholas, we find a pencil mark left by the owner - "reader".
In this book, we can also notice a special glorification of Nicholas the Wonderworker with xylographs. The letter at the beginning of the narration is not just enlarged and decorated (as we see at the beginning of the lives of other saints), and has an image of St. Nicholas, about which the story will go. A monk is kneeling before the saint with a prayer appeal to him. This detail also eloquently emphasizes the special relationship of believers to the saint.
A number of hymnographic texts were created in honor and memory of St. Nicholas. The memory of the saint is celebrated 19 December (for a new style, 6 old December). In mine 1750 Dr.. from the printing house of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (Інв. No. Ak-561) on this day we find service to the saint. The museum copy has traces of active use of the book during the service - the pages are covered with wax, on texts, that you should sing the marked "stops" for choristers with colored pencils.
It should be noted, that services to Nicholas the Wonderworker became a model for many other later hymns in honor of saints. This refers primarily to the famous troparion "The Rule of Faith, and the image of meekness…”, which later began to be used to glorify other saints.
Church in troparion (from the Greek language τροπος - chant; a short prayer song, in which the essence of this or that holiday is revealed) calls the saint "the rule of faith", points to him as an example to follow, focusing on, what every Christian should be - and a clergyman, and a layman. In the collection of sermons of Chernihiv Archbishop Lazar Baranovych "Trumpets for days are intended..." 1674 Dr.. edition (inv. №. Al-966) (printing house of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra) we see, that he builds his speech on the day of St. Nicholas' memory precisely on the basis of the content of this troparion.
The very word in the book is preceded by a wonderful screen saver with the image of the saint. The iconography is very unusual. In his right hand he holds a sword, as a symbol of that, that all his life he defended the Church, purity of faith, but not with a military sword, and spiritual, that is, by the power of God's word. Usually holding a sword in the right hand, the saint is depicted holding the Church in his left hand. In this print, he is holding a foot in his left hand, ear and eye, a bag is also hanging on his arm. The above is reminiscent of votive objects, which were brought as a sign of gratitude to revered icons or relics of saints from whom people received miraculous healing. This practice is very common, eg, in Greece. Miraculous icons in Greek temples and monasteries are often hung with plates depicting different parts of the body, diseases that people got rid of in response to their prayers. Such "objects" in the hands of the saint can testify to his help to people in various diseases. Pouch, that hangs on the hand reminds the story from the life of the saint, when he helped three daughters of a poor neighbor by secretly dropping bags of gold into his house. This money helped the latter to successfully marry off his daughters.
Believers have always felt the closeness of the saint, his preoccupation with human problems, they knew about his helping the poor, quick salvation from the calamity of travelers on land and at sea, intercession for the innocent. That is why prayer veneration of the saint was never limited to the walls of the temple. In the collection of old prints of the Chernihiv Historical Museum, there is a liturgical book for home prayer "Canonnik" (Інв. № Al-1529) issued in 1746 year in the printing house of the Chernihiv Trinity-Elijah Monastery. The old print from the museum's collection belonged to the relatives of our famous compatriot doctor-epidemiologist Opanas Shafonsky, namely the husband of his cousin. The condition of the book can be seen, that the owner often used it. The small format of the book made it possible to take it with you on trips and always have it with you. In this little book there is also a service to St. Nicholas: and the canon itself, akathist and prayer.
Старший науковий співробітник музею,
Candidate of Theology Miroslav May-Boroda
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Zaichenko V. Catalog of the collection of hapts of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky. Рукопис. 2015.
Kovalenko V. Olgovychi treasure // And this is his silver: collection of works in honor of M. Kotlyar. 2002. С. 117–138.
Polovnikova S., Fed and. Collection Cyrillic old collection of Chernihiv Historical Museum. В.В.Тарновського. 1998.
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