Mazepina book 1726 year

In the series “Sources for the study of Cossacks” came out “Mazepina book. Census of the estates of His Highness Mr. Hetman 1726 year. Збірник документів” (2023 рік, the second edition, corrected). Compiler – senior researcher of the Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky, кандидат історичних наук Ігор Ситий. Publisher – Vitaly Ryabtsev, друк – Ltd “Printing house “Route” (Кам’янець-Подільський). Reviewers – доктор історичних наук, Professor Viktor Brehunenko and Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor o. Юрій Мицик.

The publication publishes the text of a unique monument of Ukrainian manuscript heritage – Mazepa's book, collection of documents 1726 year, which contains descriptions of Baturin, Love and 72 forces, farms, freedom, which were territorially located within the boundaries of Chernihiv, Ніжинського, Starodub, Prylutsky regiments, part of which belonged to I. Mazepi. The manuscript of the book is stored in Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovsky, comes from the collection of the famous philanthropist and collector of Ukrainian antiquities, Vasyl Tarnovsky, Jr..

First edition “Mazepa's book” came out 2005 year.