23 December 1938 year was born a master, ethnologist and historian Vira Zaichenko.
“The winter holidays” (duration – 12 minutes).
In December 2020 year marks 280 years since the birth of our compatriot, epidemiologist, lawyer,...
History of the buildings of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky (to the 125th anniversary of the museum). Part One (duration...
The life and work of the famous Ukrainian poet and public figure Mykola Verbytsky (1843-1909 years.).
On the eve of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Military History Museum – branch of the Chernihiv Historical Museum..
Do 2021 році виповнюється 125 years since the founding of the Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum ....
27 November 2020 in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowski hosted a presentation of the monograph "Gold - the state!...