We write the history of the museum together

Do 2021 році виповнюється 125 years since the founding of the Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky. Over the years, its name has changed many times, address, structure. Much has already been written about the museum, but there are still many blank pages. That is why the Museum turns to everyone for help, for whom he works, who cares - to our visitors, запровадивши проект “Пишемо історію музею разом”.

Чернігівський історичний музей ім. VV. Тарновського просить відгукнутися і написати свої спогади про музей і його філії (Museum of Folk Decorative and Applied Arts, Military Historical Museum, Музейно-меморіальний комплекс партизанської слави “Лісоград”, “Садиба родини Лизогубів”), about exhibitions, lectures, other events in museum halls or at enterprises, in institutions, educational institutions, on the squares and streets of Chernihiv or other settlements; about museum projects, in which you were a partner, волонтером або просто учасником. This can be brief information or an extensive essay about personal impressions (how beautiful, and no) from the museum, its activities, about a separate exhibit, about a museum employee, etc.. These can also be comments, wish, suggestions regarding the activities of the museum.

If anyone has photos of visiting the museum, share them, вони прикрасять вашу розповідь.

Separately we want to address to "museum children", to those, whose parents, grandparents or other relatives worked in the museum, where you have not been as ordinary visitors, and watched the "museum kitchen from the inside". Even a simple story about a person, which you knew, important for museum history.

Letters must be signed, contain full name and contacts for feedback, as well as that information, which the author wants to communicate about himself. Your letters will be stored in the museum archives and will be used in research and educational work., including in the form of publications in print or electronic media, so please note: “Я даю згоду Чернігівському обласному історичному музею ім. VV. Тарновського на зберігання і обробку моїх персональних даних з метою популяризації історії музею відповідно до вимог Закону України “Про захист персональних даних”.

We are waiting for your messages. Letters and photos can be sent

– електронною поштою з темою “Пишемо історію музею разом” on e-mail: choim@i.ua

- by regular mail to the address: 14000 Chernihiv, Street. Museum, 4

- pass in person: Chernihiv, Val, Street. Museum, 4.

Phones for questions: (0462) 647-073, 096 6860558 - Lyudmila Linyuk, 050 8412329 - Maxim Blue.


ваш Чернігівський історичний музей імені В.В. Tarnovsky