19 October 2022 року у Чернігівському історичному музеї ім. VV. Tarnovsky, the exhibition "Historical Sketches" was opened. Much in little / big in small".
The exhibition consists of separate thematic sections, each of which illuminates certain phenomena, events, figures of Ukrainian history and corresponds to the structure of the collection of the famous public figure and philanthropist Vasyl Tarnovsky, on the basis of which the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities was built in Chernihiv.
The exhibits presented at the exhibition tell about the Ukrainian statehood during the times of Rus and the Cossack period, about the multicultural ties of Ukrainians, about the development and defense of the national idea in the 19th century. Enliven the exhibition of memories of Ukrainian dignitaries and intellectuals, for which Vasyl Tarnovsky's collection is famous. The combination of exhibits from different historical periods in one exhibition space well testifies to the heredity and continuity of historical processes in Ukraine.
Постери з QR-кодами привертають увагу до окремих пам’яток і деталізують інформацію про музейний предмет та його історію. A small detail is a rich meaning. More than two hundred objects are exhibited at the exhibition, most of which are modern copies or reconstructions. This event demonstrates the intensification of museum activity, despite martial law and danger.
The exhibition will last until May 2023 year . Created with support NGO "Fund for the Preservation of Ukrainian Antiquities".
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