Epitrachilus from the Church of the Intercession in Berezny

In the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowski preserved epitrachel (Інв. No. I-1382) from the Church of the Intercession in the town of Berezna.

The composition is embroidered on velvet: two flexible branches intertwining to form a vertical line in the center of the medallions in which and outside which are placed the following figures (from the bottom up): Saint Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople (the picturesque face of the saint on the vestments is mostly preserved, which makes it possible to make a comparison with the iconography of the saint), saints, who signed "We", "Ign" and "Dee". Incomplete inscription and fragmentary loss of painting do not allow to fully identify the embroidered images with certain saints, however, the general plan for the placement of figures on the liturgical vestments and the search for saints in the sanctuary in the Orthodox lunar calendar, whose names would accordingly begin with these letters, give grounds to assume, that on the epitrachel embroidered images of two more holy patriarchs of Constantinople - the saints of Mina (during his patriarchate in Constantinople was consecrated the famous church of St. Sophia) and Ignatius (defender of iconoclasm), as well as St. Dionysius the Great, Bishop of Alexandria (confessor and spiritual writer, whose rules became part of the canon law of the Church). This opinion can be confirmed by instructions for writing images of saints in accordance with the canons, found in textbooks on iconography. The descriptions of the above-mentioned saints in general correspond to the images on the epitrachel[1].

Above the vestments are embroidered figures of St. Peter, Alexei and Iona of the Metropolitans of Kyiv, Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, archangels Michael and Gabriel, above the center - the image of the Lord of Hosts. On the part of the epitrachel, "Jesus Christ the Great Hierarch". The quilting is made of gold, silver and spun with blue silk threads "attached" on the "map". The faces and hands of the figures are picturesque. The contour of the epitrachel is silk, the fringe of silk twisted threads is partially preserved at the bottom. Size 134x26 cm.

The composition of the epitrachel is almost completely identical with another liturgical robe of the Baroque style - epitrachil 1714 year from the Domnytsia convent of the Nativity of the Virgin. Completely repeated figures 9 святих, 2 archangels, image of the Lord of Hosts and "Jesus Christ the Great Bishop" on the neck. Lush floral ornamentation is repeated in the smallest details, even saved size (stole 1714 year is wider only by 1 see). The only difference is the embroidered images of the four saints. That fact also attracts attention, that the town of Berezna and Domnitsky Monastery are close to each other, namely at a distance only 10 km.

Certainly such an obvious unity of style, symmetrical decorative design indicates the origin of two epitracheals from one Haptar workshop at about the same time. Most likely, they were created in the Friday monastery of Chernihiv by Abbess Photinia[2]. In general, researchers of the art of sewing indicate, that it was in the Chernihiv region that the Baroque style in Haptarism was introduced. As well as epitrachil 1714 year, the second robe could be ordered and donated to the neighboring town of Domnytsia. Березна, namely to the wooden church of the Intercession, that was built in 1692 year and before 1780 year was a cathedral.

Thanks to the tireless work of Archbishop Lazar Baranovich of Chernihiv in the XVII-XVIII centuries. became a significant cultural and educational center. The archpastor opened a printing house, invited gifted preachers to the city, writers and artists. Ivan Shchyrskyi also attracted the attention of the Archbishop of Chernihiv with his abilities[3] (in the monastic order of Innocent) - an outstanding Ukrainian engraver and icon painter. His talent, according to researchers, clearly manifested in Haptarism. He introduced oil painting into the process of decorating the liturgical vestments instead of embroidering facial features with silk.. Probably Innocent Shchyrsky could be directly involved in the creation of a number of liturgical vestments, developing their drawings for them. The scope of these works could include epitracheals (Інв. № I-1353 and I-1382) з колекції музею. Thus, the high level of Chernihiv expressive artistic art is due to its organic connection with the process of development of all Ukrainian skills in various fields., but, first, icon painting and engraving.

Researcher of the museum,

Candidate of Theology Miroslav May-Boroda


[1] Fartusov VD. (1840-1914years.) - Academician, artist, іконописець. His work: “Guide to Writing the Icons of the Holy Saints of God in the Order of the Days of the Year. Experience of a guide for icon painters ".

[2] The reason for researchers to think so is given by the analysis of the preserved stitched works with the signature of the abbot of the Friday monastery of Photinia.

[3] Born close 1650 year (probably in Chernihiv), died at 1714 year in Lyubech.