In the collection of old prints of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky's liturgical book "The Canons of the Most Holy Theotokos are eight-voiced at evenings" is preserved[1] (inv. No. Al-668) issued in 1697 year in the printing house of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
"Canons of the Most Holy Theotokos" - spiritual hymns composed by Reverend John Damascene. His theological literary heritage is large and diverse. Saint Philaret (Gumilevskyi), the Archbishop of Chernihiv talks about him: «The works of St. John give him an honorable place among the great fathers of the Church"[2]. But most of all, he singles out and highly appreciates his talent as a hymnographer. As an author of church liturgical songs, he, according to the archbishop, "higher, than in all other relationships; here he is unique"[3].
The life of the monk is known from various hagiographical sources, in particular, from the Chronicle of the Byzantine chronicler George Amartola. He was born approximately in 675 year in Damascus - the then capital of the Umayyad Caliphate in the family of a respected and influential official. Syrian by origin. His secular name is Mansur ibn Sarjun. In his time, he held high government positions, was close to the Caliph's court. Leaving secular service, he entered a monastery. He performed the monastic feat in the Lavra of Saint Savva the Sanctified.
His new church hymns greatly enriched the Orthodox liturgy. Canons for Easter belong to Saint John, twelfth holiday, to the Mother of God and various saints. Archbishop Filaret (Gumilevskyi) emphasizes the universal church significance of his work: "Damaskin is such a songwriter who has never been higher in the Church, nor after was in the Church"[4]. Most of the canons of St. John are written in verse and structured in this way, that the first letters of the stanza of the text make up an acrostic poem. Звичайно ця особливість не зберігається в перекладеному тексті з оригінальної грецької мови.
"Canons of the Most Holy Theotokos are eight-voiced at evenings" contain 56 canons of the Mother of God for each day of the week according to 8 church voices. Осмогласіє – це система інтонаційно-мелодійної організації церковного співу, which is divided by 8 voices (carol melodies), which consistently change every week in the liturgical life of the Church. In this book, the canons are separated from the liturgical book of Octoikh (from Greek ὀκτώ - eight and ἦχος - voice), яка охоплює в собі богослужбові тексти восьмитижневого циклу наспівів.
Dinner is a liturgical observance, which is performed as in a temple, and cellularly. The very name of this service indicates that, that it takes place after the evening meal (more, after dinner). There are two types of dinner: big and small. The big dinner is held on Christmas Day, Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord) and in Great Lent. The Little Supper is a daily service, which is usually performed in monasteries and included in the cell rule of monks. It is during the evening meal that the statute provides for the reading of a canon specially determined for each day. Most likely, the "Canons of the Most Holy Theotokos" were published specifically for cell prayer, because there is no particular need to separate the canons from Oktoikh into a separate book for worship in the temple.
The book has a wonderful artistic design. Each new canon is preceded by screensavers, which differ in the complexity of the plot. The beginning of each song of the canon is distinguished by a beautifully designed letter. Some canons end with end engravings depicting the Mother of God. Each voice/week begins with a special engraving in honor of the Mother of God with verses of praise. On three of them, the Mother of God is surrounded by Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk, what, certainly, the place of publication is emphasized.
The liturgical book "Canons of the Virgin" was published in Kyiv at the Lavra printing house under the abbotship of Ioasaf Krokovsky, which is mentioned in the source data of the book[5]. He was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite 29 June 1697 year. But Archpriest Fedir Titov, the author of the historical essay "Printing House of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" attributes this publication to the time of Archimandrite Meletius Vuyahevich (died 6 February 1697 year), because, The story was not created in India, the preparation of the book for printing began even with him. Archpriest Fedir singles out the following characteristic features of the publishing activity of the printing house during the rectory of Archimandrite Meletius (1690-1697 years.). Firstly, mainly the Holy Scriptures and liturgical books were published. Secondly, most of the books were beautifully decorated[6]. "Canons of the Virgin" are also richly decorated with wonderful woodcuts, who signed their engravings in this way - Feodor, AKKF, WHITE, И. The print is made in two colors.
Frame of the XVIII century - boards covered with embossed leather. There is a fragment of fasteners. The size of the book is 19x15.8 cm. The book was previously kept in the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities named after V. V. Tarnovsky.
Старший науковий співробітник музею,
Candidate of Theology Miroslav May-Boroda
[1] Collection Cyrillic old collection of Chernihiv Historical Museum. В.В.Тарновського: Catalog / Compilers S.O. Polovnikova, І.М. Ситий. К., 1998. С. 28.
[2] Filaret (Gumilevsky), world. Historical Doctrine of the Fathers of the Church. Т. ІІІ. SPb., 1859. С. 258.
[3] There only. С. 267.
[4] There only. С. 258.
[5] В музейному екземплярі відсутні перші аркуші. The title page with information about which secular rulers and clergymen printed the book is handwritten and placed at the end of the book.
[6] Titov F., prot. Printing house of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra: historical sketch, (1606-1616-1916 years), Т. 1. К.: Type. Kiev Pechersk Dormition Lavra. С. 391.
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