15 September 2021 in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky opened the exhibition "The World of Beauty Olga Kostyuchenko" (from the series "Modern masters of Chernihiv region - custodians of folk traditions"). It is dedicated to the work of a member of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine Olga Kostyuchenko (народилась 9 August 1976 р.), famous master, who as a high school student began to embroider under the guidance of Honored Master of Folk Art Natalia Chernyak, later engaged in beating, Easter painting, виготовленням ляльок, for the full design of women's costumes learned to weave belts. For more than twenty years of work she has achieved high skill in all these classes, has its own brand "Kudelya".
Olga Viktorivna is a participant of many national and international exhibitions. Her work "Severian Wedding" was recognized as the best at the all-Ukrainian exhibition-competition "Ukrainian embroidered towel" in the nomination "Best young masters" (2004). She took first place in the nomination "Beating" in the competition of masters, which took place within the framework of the International Festival of Arts "Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk" (2014). She is a laureate of the All-Ukrainian Youth Prize named after Kostya Shirotsky and the Chernihiv city competition "Woman of the Year - 2015". 2012 received a scholarship from the President of Ukraine for young masters of folk art.
Olga Kostyuchenko's works are stored in the Chernihiv Art Museum named after Hryhoriy Galahan, Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovsky, private collections in Ukraine and abroad.
The exhibition represents more than a hundred works of the master - embroidery, beating, Eggs, puppetry (fabric, nodal, straw, etc.), manufactured for two decades. З них 15 - from the funds of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, the rest is provided by the author. Works by Yulia Lyubenko are also on display, Oksana Dubchak, Maria Shiloh, Oleni Prokopenko, Halyna Pustovit - students of Olga Viktorivna.
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