In the collection of old prints of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, a liturgical book for the home prayer "Canonnik" is kept (Інв. № Al-1529) issued in 1746 year in the printing house of the Chernihiv Trinity-Elijah Monastery.
The title of the book comes from the canons (spiritual hymns based on biblical songs), placed in it according to the weekly range of services. The canons compare Old Testament prophecies and prototypes with the corresponding events of New Testament history. Jesus Christ can be glorified in them, The Mother of God or they can be dedicated to one or another saint. In general, the book contains the daily prayer rule of an Orthodox Christian.
The old print from the museum's collection belonged to the relatives of our famous compatriot doctor-epidemiologist Opanas Shafonsky, namely the husband of his cousin. Information about the owner of the book, Unfortunately, very little. He was born in 1752 year, perhaps his name was Michael or Fedor. This assumption is based on a note in the prayer book: «… 29 d[1]. my wife's patron and my september 20 d. was born 1752 year …». This day commemorates the martyrs of Michael the Prince of Chernihiv and his boyar Fyodor.
You can also learn from the records, that the owner of the book lived in the village of Spaske[2]. He points to this by mentioning the death of his mother-in-law: "December 1794 16 my mother-in-law Pelagia Ivanovna daughter Pinskaya[3] the above-mentioned Shafonskaya[4] my own sister will die. She was buried in the cemetery near the village of Spaskom where she lived in my house ".
The old print contains many entries, concerning important dates for the family, somehow marriage, birth of children, their baptism, тощо. The sequence of their placement in the book does not always coincide with the chronology of events.
Many records reveal the interest of the owner of the prayer book to natural phenomena. Detailed records of the first snow remain 1803 year, dropped out 2 October at dawn and melted through 2 years, about the rainbow, yaka "was visible in the morning at sunrise at 6 o'clock ... standing in the sun in the west".
In particular, he made a note about the earthquake in Kiev 1802 year. The seismic activity of Kyiv is determined by the center in the Vrancea Mountains (Румунія). Там 14 October 1802 was the largest earthquake ever recorded in Romania (8 points on the Richter scale). Many Romanian cities were severely damaged. Earthquakes by force 5-6 scores reached Kyiv. The owner of the book left his memory of this in the "Canon": "October 1802 14 from noon at 1 o'clock there was an earthquake in Kiev for no more than three minutes, so great that everything would be more so that the houses would fall apart ".
The condition of the book can be seen, that the owner often used it. The small format of the book made it possible to take it with you on trips and always have it with you. Apparently, the book was handed down. There are records in other handwriting in the middle of the XIX century.
"Canon" is decorated with screensavers and initials of the same type, engravings by woodcuts, who signed their engravings in this way - George, Vlas, In:P, City. The title page of the book is missing. At the end of the book is partially preserved lunar words[5].
Frame of the XVIII century. - boards, covered with embossed leather. There are no fasteners. The size of the book is 12.5x7.5 cm.
Researcher of the museum,
Candidate of Theology Miroslav May-Boroda
[1] Here and further give the old style.
[2] Former Sosnytsia district.
[3] Maiden name Pinsk.
[4] Agafia Ivanovna Shafonska, mother of Opanas Filimonovich. A previous entry in the book indicates the date of her death - "April 1789 12 numbers ".
[5] Church calendar with indication of days of remembrance of saints.
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