The other day, specialists of the National Research and Restoration Center of Ukraine returned to the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V.. Tarnovsky museum objects after planned scientific restoration. Among them, a saber with a scabbard deserves special attention, dating back to the 17th century. (inv. № И-2900). Цей зразок холодної зброї походить з колекції відомого мецената та збирача української старовини Василя Тарновського. Вочевидь, that it was made on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. According to the catalog 1898 year has no 144. Made of Damascus steel, silver, wood and leather. In general, in the meeting V. Tarnovsky was located 27 saber blades.
The museum staff is sincerely grateful to their fellow restorers for their hard work, very responsible and highly professional work.
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