Looking through the letters of the Bilozerskis to the Kulish couple, which are in the collection of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky got into an interesting envelope. Its size 12,5 х 19,3 see. At the bottom of the drukovyi was written “CUSTAINER OF THE MUSEUM OF “UKRAINIAN ANTIQUITS” V.V. TARNOVSKAYA, OF CHERNIGOV GOVERNMENT ZEMST." In the upper left corner there is an inscription: "ARCHIVE OF P.OL. KULISHA AND G. Periwinkle ". An inscription on the right side: “LIST OL. M. BILOZERSKAYA TO G. PERIWINKLE. № 1. (WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND DATE)”. Old inventory numbers on the edges, two of which are crossed out: “1022”, “№ 14”, "CHIM No. Al 604/60-19/1", “4123/MFP” (Museum Fund of Ukraine)”.
The inscriptions reveal the little-known pages of the Museum's collection from the beginning of the 20th century. to the present day. This is the official name, because the envelope was intended for the Keeper, that is, the Director (The Museum did not have its seal, that's why we have such a palliative); subordination of the institution to the Zemstvo; arrangement of the Kulish archive, evacuation of the museum collection during the Second World War, re-inventory after re-evacuation. The envelope can be dated 1905 р., when the museum was named after the founder, or a little later, taking into account financial and technical problems.
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