21 October 2021 , in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Тарновського відбулась презентація каталогу головного зберігача фонду Ганни Арендар «Срібні оклади Євангелій ХVІІ–ХІХ століть із зібрання Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky " (to the 125th anniversary of the museum).
The catalog contains an extensive description and articulation of sacred monuments of church art - silver salaries of the Gospels of the XVII-XIX centuries from the museum collection., made as known, and unknown goldsmiths in Ukraine, Western Europe and Russia. Exquisite salaries were ordered by famous figures of Ukrainian history - hetmans (Ivan Samoilovich and Ivan Mazepa), Cossack sergeant (Chernihiv colonels - Vasyl Dunin-Borkovsky, Jacob Lyzogub, Pavlo Polubotok), top of the clergy. The collection was formed in the 1920s thanks to the efforts of local museum workers, which saved from destruction and export outside Chernihiv region many cult values, withdrawn for the needs of the Soviet state. Most of the books came from the Chernihiv Bishop's House, liquidated monasteries and churches of the diocese, in the postwar years, the museum was replenished with five monuments. The collection currently has 51 Gospel in silver frames. The value of the collection is, that a significant part of salaries remained in its original form, each work is unique and inimitable.
The museum collection of the Gospels in silver salaries covers the period from the middle of the 17th century.. by the end of the XIX century. The works of goldsmiths of Ukraine of the XVII-XVIII centuries occupy an important place. On sorry, no brand was found on any of them, nor inscriptions indicating the name of the master. Early monuments include the salaries of the Gospels, made in the middle - second half of the seventeenth century., when Ukrainian goldsmithing, not yet deprived of the influence of the European Renaissance, begins to accept the ideas of a new Baroque style. The oldest is a silver salary 1653 Dr.. from the Gustin Monastery.
The project of publishing the catalog was carried out with the financial support of the Kyiv company "Dome", in the person of its head Sergey Sokolov.
We visited the west: First Deputy Chairman of the Chernihiv Regional Council Nina Lemesh, науковці, historians, музейники, бібліотекарі, ЗМІ.
Guests could view a one-day exhibition featuring eight Gospels:
Євангеліє 1600 Dr.. with a salary of the middle of the XVII century.;
Євангеліє 1681 Dr.. with salary 1688 Dr.. from the Nikolaev church of Chernihiv;
Євангеліє 1681 Dr.. with a salary of 1681–1694. from Makoshinsky monastery and its copy;
Євангеліє 1688 Dr.. with salary 1692 Dr.. with the coat of arms of Chernihiv Colonel Yakov Lyzohub (was located in the town of Sedniv);
Євангеліє 1698 Dr.. with salary 1715 Dr.. from St. Catherine's Church in Chernihiv (contribution of General Bunchuzh Jacob Lyzogub);
Євангеліє 1698 Dr.. with a salary of the second half of the eighteenth century. with an inscription of Hetman Ivan Mazepa (Домницький монастир);
Євангеліє 1746 Dr.. with salary 1757 Dr.. from the Hadiach Monastery;
Євангеліє 1762 Dr.. with salary 1765 Dr.. with the coat of arms of Polubotkiv (from the Church of the Ascension of Chernihiv).
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