Volodymyr Gennadiyovych Drozdov - the initiator of the foundation and permanent head of the Chernihiv diocesan archival repository, and later - the Chernihiv Museum of Cults. The person to whom we are fully indebted for the meeting, studying and preserving a unique collection in the difficult conditions of the onslaught of Bolshevik atheism. The collection of the Chernihiv eparchial archive (1900– 1915) (further - ЧЕД) without exaggeration, it can be characterized as one of the largest and most interesting collections of church antiquities in Left Bank Ukraine. She counted thousands of items of church use and worship, which represented the history of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine during the nine centuries from the 11th to the beginning of. ХХ ст.
Volodymyr Gennadiyovych was born 18 June 1879 Dr.. to m. Petrovsk in the family of the archpriest. He studied at the Saratov Theological Seminary and the Kazan Theological Academy, which he graduated from 1904 Dr.. with the degree of candidate of theology and received for a year (1904/1905) professor's scholarship at the academy. From August 1905 Dr.. was invited to teach at the Chernihiv Theological Seminary, forever connecting his life with ancient Chernigov. In the seminary, he taught the theory of literature and history, with 1909 Dr.. - head of the seminar library, with 1910 Dr.. he also taught French at ChDS and the history of Russian literature at the women's diocesan school.
During 1906–1908. participated in the work of the Chernihiv Committee for the Preparation of the XIV Archaeological Congress. The Committee assigned him the task of developing a program for work on the restoration of the project to create the "Historical and statistical description of the Chernihiv Diocese".
4 May 1906 Dr.. The Chernihiv Theological Consistory appealed to the Board of the Chernihiv Theological Seminary with a proposal to lead the work on the creation of a diocesan museum. Volodymyr Gennadiyovych Drozdov agreed to run the future museum. Member of the Chernihiv Church and Archaeological Committee from 1907 Dr..
Do 1909 Dr.. married the daughter of the archpriest, representative of the Chernihiv noble family, Oleksandra Makariivna Smetlytska [1] Do 1912 Dr.. the couple had a son, Boris.
Received the rank of collegiate assessor, with 1910 Dr.. - external advisor. On 1911 Dr.. member for the sake of the Brotherhood of St.. Mykhailo Chernihivskyi. Do 1912-1917 — editor of the literary and pedagogical department of the magazine "Vera and Life", member of the editorial board and author of issues of the "Collection of the Chernihiv eparchial tree repository" (1908, 1916). Do 1912 Dr.. awarded the Order of St. Stanislav III degree.
Від 1919 - head of the 2nd Chernihiv Soviet Museum (the former Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Chernihiv Archive Commission). On 1921 Dr.. - manager 5 Soviet museum (the former Museum of Cults). For 1925 – 1931. - head of the Department of Cults of the Chernihiv State Museum [2].
Thanks to the efforts of Volodymyr Drozdov, during the removal of church valuables, a number of monuments were saved from disposal, which had historical and artistic significance. During 1919-1921. he taught the history of Russian literature at Chernihiv National University. He worked as the head of the museum section of Chernihiv Provincial Education. He was a member of the temporary commission for architectural and archaeological research of the Savior and Transfiguration Cathedral of the 11th century. Chernihiv (1923 р.). Навесні 1925 Dr.. together with local historians M. Weinstein and P. Smolichev examined mummified burials of the 17th–19th centuries., discovered in the underground crypt of the Church of the Resurrection in. Sedneva [3].
Volodymyr Gennadiyovych devoted a lot of effort to the scientific research of the collection of church antiquities [4]. The first charter of the CHE was concluded by him [5], the history of the creation of the diocesan museum is described [6]. Do 1908 Dr.. In. Drozdov organized the first catalog of the Chernihiv diocesan archival repository, which consisted of five sections. Everything is described in the catalog 293 exhibits of the 17th–19th centuries. indicating the composition, sizes, estimated date of creation, artistic techniques and sources of receipt to the museum collection [7].
Навесні 1907 Dr.. In. Drozdov went to Kyiv to gain experience in the organization of the Church Archaeological Society and the museum, who else with 1872 Dr.. worked at the Kyiv Theological Academy. 12 September 1907 Dr.. at the invitation of V. Drozdova professor M. Petrov visited Chernihiv, visited the newly created museum and noted, that "he inspected the new museum, formed at the Chernihiv Theological Seminary and was surprised, that such a mass of interesting material has been collected in a relatively short period of time, for which the museum owes V. Thrush. And expressed confidence, that the new museum will undoubtedly take a worthy place among the museum institutions of the southwestern region". In a letter to V. Drozdov he wrote: “I sincerely wish you to continue collecting and organizing the museum with the same success, how did you start this business?. I'm at the establishment in 1872 year of the church-archaeological museum at our Academy was not so happy, how are you. God help you. Your sincere trustee Prof.. M. Petrov».
The main source of formation and replenishment of the collection of the Diocesan Ancient Repository was scientific trips (excursions), for the purpose of collecting exhibits for the museum. Do 1907 Dr.. at the general diocesan congress of the clergy, funds were allocated for the construction of a new museum 200 крб. and more 150 крб. for planned scientific expeditions. Влітку 1907 Dr.. In. Drozdov and K. Karpinsky made three scientific excursions, during which it was examined 174 churches and seven monasteries, the sacristy has been restored, objects of church antiquity are described and photographed, architectural buildings, moreover 500 the monument was taken to the museum. Based on the results, a “List of Antiquities” was compiled, stored in churches and monasteries of the Chernigov diocese and desirable for placement in the Chernigov diocesan ancient repository" and sent to the Synod with a request for permission to remove them from the sacristy. This list has been preserved to this day and is the first known description of the exhibits of the diocesan museum.
In September 1923 Dr.. head of the Museum of Cults V. Drozdov made a report on the inspection of the liquidated Novgorod-Siversky monastery. As part of a special commission, he examined valuable things and selected them, that had historical and artistic significance (176 items). Offered to hand over objects of historical and cultural significance to the Novgorod-Siversky Museum and several things to the Chernihiv Museum, that had all-Ukrainian significance.
Basic scientific research by V. Drozdova "Rykhli Ark" (1927), "Dated cult silver of the 17th century. in the Chernihiv State Museum" (1928), "Mummies of Mr. Lyzobov", "Engraving plates of the Chernihiv State Museum", taking into account dispersal for the partial loss of the CHE collection, and today remain relevant for scientists and museum workers.
Some of the arrested Chernihiv colleagues of V. Drozdova slandered him: perhaps V. Drozdov in the late 1920s. "was recruited into a counter-revolutionary insurgent organization... and carried out vandalism in the museum", particular, "burdened all employees with unnecessary work..., a wide inventory of exhibits, organized an exhibition of icons and rich church clothing in order to emphasize the high value of Ukrainian nationalist art and attract tourists to religion". He was accused of Ukrainian nationalism for signing the Congratulatory Address on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the literary activity of Mykola Voroni from the Chernihiv State Museum (1928 р.). For April 1930 Dr.. – deputy director of the Chernihiv State Museum.
There is an opinion, not yet documented, що у 1931 Dr.. In. Drozdov was invited to work in Kyiv as a senior researcher at the All-Ukrainian Museum Town[8]. While working in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, he could hardly remain aloof from mass repressions, which covered most of the cultural figures with a black wave, science and museum sphere. The Kyiv museum town was considered one of the centers of the grouping of "nationalist forces". Died, probably from hunger, in winter 1931-1932 Dr.. The place of burial is unknown.
Старший науковий співробітник музею, candidate of historical sciences Olga Heyda
[1] DACHO. F. 679. Whop. 10. Spr. 1249. арк. 217 зв.
[2] Track record //DACHO. F.8860. Whop. 1. Spr. 23. Sheet 5; Repressed local history. Kyiv, 1991. С. 338–339; Isayenko O., Mudrytska V. History of the Chernihiv Diocesan Timber Store // Родовід. 1996. № 14. C. 60; Kalibaba D. Famous cultural figures, Science, politicians of Chernihiv Region. Chernihiv, 1998. С. 6.
[3] Excursion report, exhibition and museum part of the Chernigov province political education for 1922 g. // DACHO. F. P. 593. Whop. 1. Spr. 1010. Ark. 14 зв.
[4] Drozdov V. John Maksimovich - founder of the Chernigov Seminary // Saint of God John Maksimovich, Metropolitan of Tobolsk and All Siberia (1651– 1715). Chernihiv: Printing house of the Brotherhood of St.. Mikhail Prince of Chernigov, 1916. С. 82–101: Drozdov V., Karpinsky K. Ancient bells of monastery and parish churches of the Chernigov diocese // Faith and life. 1913. № 17. С. 46–56; Drozdov V. Trip to the Maksakovsky Monastery // Faith and life. 1914. № 14–15. С. 89–90.
[5] Charter of the Chernigov diocesan ancient repository // Chernigov diocesan news. Unofficial part. 1907. № 20. Separate. Chernihiv: Printing house of the provincial government, 1907. 10 with.
[6] Drozdov V. Establishment of the Chernigov Diocesan Tree Repository //Chernigov Diocesan News. Unofficial part. 1908.№ 15. С. 578-591; From the Chernigov Diocesan Tree Repository // Chernigov diocesan news. Official part. 1907. № 7. С. 238.
[7] Drozdov V. Description of material and written monuments of the Chernigov diocesan ancient repository // Collection of the Chernigov diocesan ancient repository. Chernihiv: Printing house of the provincial government, 1908. issue. 1. С. 1–50.
[8] Tkachenko V. In. Historical local lore: Chernihovo-Sivershchyna on the first October twentieth anniversary: Leaves. manual. К.: Knowledge, 2007. С. 129–131.
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