An open letter to Serhiy Laevsky

Open letter to S.L. Laevsky

from employees of Chernihivskyi

historical museum named after. VV. Tarnovsky

Dear Serhiy Lazarovych!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. About 24 You worked as the director of our museum for years and today, when you hold another position, we want to remember that director's path, which we went through together with you 27 December 1999 to 1 October 2023 year..

He was not light and carefree. Maybe, so, that for you the museum was not a solid terra incognita, and you were completely unknown to us, i'll drop by, we quickly found a common language. You are in the right city at the right time. We did not always immediately agree to your tasks (but also regarding directives from above), like you on ours, sometimes adventurous or ill-conceived, ideas. In any case, there was never a frond: everyone could talk, proved their reasons, were looking for a rational grain, useful for the museum; not everything went smoothly, but the main thing was the dialogue. The difference between you, director, and us, subordinates, was only to the extent of responsibility, what, tell the truth, we sometimes used it as a shield, and you as a support, by mutual consent. That's how we grew up, gaining experience and knowledge, overcoming troubles and obstacles, rejoicing in gains and victories.

Maturity, the skill and love of the team resulted in a burst of research work. primarily from the study and introduction to the scientific circulation of the museum collection, and wisdom, the director's professionalism and love for the museum raised the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky to a new level, allowed him to adequately meet the requirements of the time, take a worthy place in the museum community of Ukraine. Yours, Serhiy Lazarovych, the director's understanding and nurturing of the foundation of the museum business, maintaining an atmosphere of creativity in the team, search, implementation of new knowledge and practices yielded good results, by which the tree can now be recognized - our museum. This is also the collection "Treasure of Ukrainian Culture", and silverware catalogs, framed the Gospel, embroidery of a Cossack elder, embroidered towels, and monographs, dedicated to the Neolithic and embroidery of Chernihiv Oblast, embroidery technique, sfragis of Cossack Ukraine, autographs of the Kachaniv album, Torgsin, "Mazepina's Book", and many other scientific and popular scientific publications. This is the active participation of the museum in the implementation of the regional program of archaeological excavations. This is the second place in the "Museum event 2010 year ". This and 7 candidate theses, which was protected by the museum staff. This and numerous re-exposures, stationary and temporary exhibitions, traveling exhibitions in Kyiv, Dnipro, Батурині, Liubech, villages and cities of Chernihiv Oblast, to, even abroad - in the embassies of the Scandinavian countries in Kyiv. This is the only lecture in Ukraine "On the roads of the native land from the museum to the museum" and materialized in the guidebook "Paths of Taras Shevchenko. Chernihiv ". These are "Nights at the Museum" and the honors of the All-Ukrainian Museum Festivals in Dnipro. This is also the story of one exhibit - a machine gun, which caused, causes and will always cause a sense of pride for our director and our museum. This is also the Book of Memory of the Heroes of Chernihiv Oblast, who died in the struggle for the independence of Ukraine from 2014 year. This is also the creation of branches in the village. Yelin and the town of Sedniv. These are also state awards, honorary titles, awards to the museum and its employees, among them is your title, which the team has been striving for so long and persistently, realizing, that the title of the director is an assessment of the work of the entire museum. The website of the museum and its pages in social networks are up and running.

Звичайно, we did not succeed in everything. The museum did not wait for the room for the fund storage, although the decision was made even in 1990 year. The requirement of the Law of Ukraine "On Museums and Museum Affairs" regarding our department - the Museum of Folk Decorative Art of Chernihiv Oblast has not been fulfilled.. We well remember the siege by followers of Russian peace and the "church" of the Moscow Patriarchate, who did not allow the museum to remove the ethnographic collection from the Catherine Church, wrote placards with curses and openly rejoiced at the robbery attack on Vash, Serhiy Lazarovych, home, when the employees of the museum and unconscious citizens of Chernihiv cheered for you, and then went to court. But our museum, didn't give up, and you, as the helmsman and authorized representative of the museum, dignified and persistently defended our professional and civil rights and often won, what is evidenced by the final court decision regarding "corruption".

A new stage in the life of the museum, as well as all of Ukraine, started 22 February 2022 year. We once again saw your high professional organizational and managerial qualities, patriotism, love and dedication to the cause, in the end - the courage of the man and the leader and such, belong to you, human qualities as humanity, help and support, care and protection of those, who needs it. We think, that you are concerned about the holiday introduced in Ukraine - the Day of the Responsible Person. We thank you, Dear Serhiy Lazarovych, for your work as a director, patience and equanimity, the ability to listen and hear, the ability to restrain emotions and find the necessary words and solutions. For they, that under your leadership, the museum staff had a hard time working, and a bright rest in the forest or on tourist trips, that everyone could count on and received help in times of need.

The life of the museum continues and its rhythm is accelerating, so yours, Sergey Lazarovych knowledge, skill, sociability and dedication to the museum will continue to be in high demand. Work on started projects and new plans, new time requirements and opportunities for a new position, which in some cases gives more room for maneuver than the director's, they won't let you get bored. We are glad, that you will stay with us and we will continue to treat you as a director, not because, that we do not respect Maksym Mykhailovych, your candidacy, because, who are firmly convinced of your help and support for a young colleague, because a specialist, a master of his craft is never the same. Now our museum faced another challenge - to rethink the mission of the museum, update it, keep the gains, do not lose your potential, on the contrary, to increase its quality, and all this in the absence of a deputy for scientific work. There is a lot of work here without you, Serhiy Lazarovych, any. And we also have a request - write memories of your career as a director for the museum collection, about a quarter of a century old! the history of the museum as you see it. We do not set a deadline.

And now our greetings: Dear Serhiy Lazarovych! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May the Lord protect and preserve your entire family and grant you a meeting with your children and grandchildren as soon as possible. We wish you good mental and physical health, сил, energy and effort for a long interesting, work in the museum full of discoveries. Victory to Ukraine! Peace to your home!

The team of the Chernihiv Historical Museum

University. VV. Tarnovsky

27.10.2023, Chernihiv