During December 2013 - February 2014 in the midst of struggles in Kiev were National Art Museum of Ukraine and Ukrainian House, which holds the funds of the Museum of History of Kyiv.
The staff of the National Art Museum of Ukraine's own works suffered from exposure to the Repository, museum staff and provide around the clock monitoring of museum collections.
As for the collection of the Museum of History of Kyiv, Ukrainian House while indoors law enforcement, stock room and some boxes of exhibits were open (http://prostir.museum/ua/post/32017 – still only published material on this subject). While staying protesters in the Ukrainian House Museum no violent incident is not reported. On 19:00 18 February morning 20 February 2014 Dr.. Ukrainian House controlled by members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In the evening 19 February there were publications and interviews with employees of the museum robbery from the Museum of History of Kyiv in the Ukrainian House - at 0:00 19 February has worked Burglar Alarm, проте на виклик охорона не виїхала (http://www.artukraine.com.ua/articles/1874.html#.UwUnQfCXknM.facebook). Жодних заяв з боку посадовців про стан фондів Музею історії Києва станом на 15:00 20 February 2014 року не було оприлюднено, не зважаючи на напружену ситуацію, precedent integrity violations museum collections and continuing confrontation.
19 February Ukrainian Committee of ICOM has written an open letter addressed to Acting. Interior Minister Zaharchenko VU, VO. Minister of Culture of Ukraine Novohatko LM, Head of Kyiv City State Administration Makeyenko VV. and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Culture and Spirituality Kirilenko VA. calling
– as much as possible to ensure the safety and security of the collections of the Museum of History of Kyiv, stored in the Ukrainian House;
– immediately provide information to the public on the state museum collections, stored in the Ukrainian House;
– create an interagency commission with representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Department of Culture KSCA, representatives of museums, Ukrainian National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and Ukrainian Center for Museum Development to monitor the situation and the final check availability of the Museum of History of Kyiv in the Ukrainian House, and invite the Commission to investigate incidents of funds Kyiv History Museum, that took place in the Ukrainian House over the last few months.
In the morning 20 February 2014 police for unknown reasons, left the Ukrainian House. Museum staff alone through NGOs and volunteers organized the evacuation of the museum to another room Kyiv History Museum (Street. Bohdan Khmelnytsky 24).
Due to the aggravation of confrontation 18-20 February 2014, using weapons, in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine find themselves threatened by other museums and cultural heritage.
Having regard to the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict 14 May 1954 year and given the complete absence of any official information from the government for nearly three months of confrontations and precedents violating the integrity of the State Museum Fund, Український національний комітет Міжнародної ради музеїв ІСОМ звертається до Міжнародної ради музеїв (ICOM), ICOMOS та UNESCO з проханням відкрито висловити свою позицію з приводу ситуації, when converted into a museum Ukraine hostages confrontation, and take all possible measures to prevent similar situations.
Presidium of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
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