21 November 2013 in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky roundtable "80th anniversary of Holodomor 1932-1933 in Ukraine: memory of the people are not killed ". Symbolically, that the participants gathered in the exhibition, where a section of the 1932-1933 Holodomor and repressions of 1937-1938 in Chernihiv. The organizers of the roundtable: Chernihiv Oblast State Administration, Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnovsky, Ukrainian Institute of National Memory.
Games Slezko, Deputy Head of the Department of Business Information and Communication RSA, informed of the measures to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Holodomor and in connection with the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, conducted by the authorities, together with the public and scientists. He stressed, State Administration supported the proposal that academics and NGOs, are embodied in the disposal of the Head, bringing in the latest example of the influence of scientists on the government's decision: 23 November is the recommendations of the regional administration researchers hold a memorial event at Pryluky, which was one of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 districts. In his view, it is time to consider not only the victim, but also to reveal the names of the, who helped to survive starving, risking their own lives; make Ukrainian analogue of the Righteous.
Lyudmila Linyuk, Deputy Director of Research Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska - moderator of the round table, presented the exhibition hall of the museum, Holodomor and repression, described the events, conducting Museum on the 80th anniversary of the terrible tragedy. Одним із основних – стало експонування в районних центрах Чернігівської області виставки “Ми звинувачуємо! Holodomor 1932-1933 - genocide of the Ukrainian people ", створеної за матеріалами Українського інституту національної пам’яті.
Тамара Демченко, член Асоціації дослідників голодоморів в Україні, доцент кафедри історії та археології України Інституту історії, етнології та правознавства імені О. M. Лазаревського Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету імені Т. T. Shevchenko, Ph.D., дала стислий аналіз сучасної історіографії про Голодомор 1932–1933 років в Україні. Вона повідомила, що за останні 20 років побачили світ вже понад 13 thousands of scientific publications on this tragic national history page. They confirm the genocidal nature of the Holodomor. However,, актуальним є продовження пошуку і збирання нових документів та інформації на всеукраїнському й місцевому рівні, переосмислення вже відомих фактів, deepening the analysis of famine and its impact on the fate of the Ukrainian nation.
Sergey Sparrow, Fellow Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Ph.D., emphasized the need for further study of documents in order to ascertain the circumstances of the tragic events, the fate of people - victims of famine and performers criminal policies. The researcher suggested, that the documents is still possible to find new names of the dead from hunger.
Volodymyr Boiko, Director of Chernigov center for retraining and advanced training of public authorities, local governments, state-owned enterprises, institutions and organizations, Ph.D., shared experience of scientific and educational activities, especially among civil servants and local government officials. So, серед кількох видань про Голодомор на Чернігівщині, виданих Центром, він виділив саме спогади, які зібрали слухачі Центру – працівники сільських і селищних рад області. RSA thanked for supporting the initiative to inform the public about the role of American Indian roots and Ukrainian patriot Mace in a case study of tragedy and significant contribution in perpetuating the memory of the victims. Зрештою українці мають знати автора ідеї акції “Засвіти свічу!”
Ірина Рябчук, провідний спеціаліст відділу використання документів Державного архіву Чернігівської області, described the documentary photo exhibit "Palaia candle of remembrance", which opened on the eve of. On nіy represented Hope 60 documents, which clearly illustrate the tragedy Chernihiv peasants during the communist leadership in 1932-1933 grain procurement campaign. Mainly, are official documents - Resolution, order, memoranda, info, as well as letters, complaints and appeals farmers, які шукали справедливості та сподівалися на вирішення їхніх проблем партійними і радянськими органами. Окрема частина виставки – документи, united by the theme "Witnesses recall Famine".
Elena Lysenko, director of the municipal institution "Exploratory agency in creation science documentary series" The Book of Memory "and" Rehabilitated history "Chernihiv Regional Council, drew attention to the importance of the repressive instruments of the then government to deepen the understanding of the scope of the tragedy and inhuman cruelty and cynicism of the organizers and perpetrators of the Holodomor. She informed, prepared scientific and documentary edition of "The mood of the population of Chernihiv region in terms of Stalin's revolution from above. 1928-1941's. "
Сергій Бутко, Fellow Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, recalled, Chernihiv that historians were able to determine the loss of area from the 1932-1933 Holodomor. Will in 1993 Dr.. Alexander Kovalenko and Vladimir Tkachenko estimate the number of casualties in the region as the difference between the number of population as of 1 January 1932 Dr.. and census 1939 Dr.. - Over 362700 people. Do 2008 Dr.. historians and archivists Chernigovschiny in the book "National Book Holodomor victims 1932-1933 years. Chernihiv Region "published names 36818 victims of famine in the region (tenth of). He stressed, together with the investigation of the tragedy urgent in Ukraine is the awareness and understanding of the impact of all three famines to take into account when forming and implementing public policy in all areas of life.
Ludmila Lynyuk when summarizing a roundtable presented by a renowned Ukrainian poet, Prize winner of the National Taras Shevchenko Dmitry Ivanov "Monologue of thirty-third: Poem ". The author gave it free event participants, and Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnowska will endeavor to distribute publications of museums area. Overall, the roundtable participants reached views, що тема Голодомору має багато аспектів, які потребують ґрунтовних наукових досліджень.
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