1 July in the courtyard of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Тарновського відкрилася виставка “Нові археологічні дослідження Чернігівщини”, which was traditionally created for the International Day of Monuments and Sights (18 April).
The exhibition presents the most interesting findings of the last field season 13 archaeological expeditions. Their organizers are the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV Tarnovsky, National University "Chernihiv Collegium" named after T.G.. Shevchenko (НУЧК), Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ІА НАНУ), State enterprise "Research Center "Protective Archaeological Service of Ukraine" of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (DP NDC OASU NA NANU), Ніжинський державний університет імені Миколи Гоголя (НДУ).
Within the framework of the “Target program for conducting archaeological research in the Chernihiv region for 2013–2020” the following works were carried out:
- Vypovzivsky archeological complex (керівник – кандидат історичних наук, associate professor of NUCHK Vyacheslav Skorokhod). The buildings of the 10th century were studied. at the post and the hem. Jewelry is presented, household items, сокира, bone and horn products. A fibula of the 2nd - early 3rd centuries attracts attention.
- Sedniv township (head V. Skorokhod). Work was carried out on the Koronny Castle settlement and the Oreshnya-2 settlement. Household items of the 10th and 18th centuries are presented.
- смт Любеч (керівник – кандидат історичних наук, Associate Professor NUCHK Elena Veremeychik). Continued studies of the chamber burial of the late X - early XI centuries. Two temple rings were found at the bottom of the camera, перстень, dagger, key and lock plate.
– with. Small Lystven Ripky area (керівники – кандидат історичних наук, NUCHK associate professor Olena Chernenko and NUCC senior researcher Roman Lutsenko). Jewelry was found in the dwelling of the XII-XIII centuries in Horodyshche-2, keys and locks.
- Mezin expedition (leaders - O. Chernenko and R. Lutsenko). Excavations of the Sverdlovsk-1 settlement on the territory of the Mezyn National Nature Park have been continued. Presented by dirhams, прикраси, зброя, tools of the tenth century. separate mention should be made of the Lunytsia of Kyiv culture of the 3rd–5th centuries.
- м. Baturin (the manager is a senior researcher of the NUCHK, Yuriy Sitii). Continued studies of the walls and stairs of the corridor of the building of the end of the 17th century. at the Mazepa estate in Honcharivka.
- м. Novgorod-Seversky (leaders - O. Chernenko and candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of NDU Ivan Kedun). An ancient Russian ring and spinning wheel were found in the Bazarnaya Square area; medieval coins, dishes and drum (vargan).
Archaeological research outside the target program:
- Shestovytska Ukrainian-Polish expedition (leaders - V. Skorokhod and Dr. PhD, Dariusz Blazzczek, lecturer at the Institute of Archeology of the University of Warsaw) continued the research of the burial mound and the lower part of the Korovel hillfort. Among the finds - Arabic and Byzantine coins of the tenth century., прикраси, weight slides.
- м. Ніжин (leader - I. Kedun). Continued works in different parts of the city; ancient n arrowheads are presented, buckle, coins of the seventeenth century. and late medieval plate, than, fork.
- м. Короп (leaders - O. Chernenko and R. Lutsenko) during the architectural and archeological researches of the Illyrian church of the 18th century. coins were found, beads and hunting fistula.
- Left-bank expedition of the State Enterprise NDC OASU IA NASU (head - art. Gennady Zharov, a researcher at the OASU Research Center) studied the construction of the Suburbs of ancient Chernihiv (Victory Avenue). From the building of the second half of the XII - first third of the XIII century. comes a large number of glass bracelets, beads, rings. At the settlement "Institute of Microbiology" in the Cossack burial of the second half of the XVIII century. a wooden smoking pipe was found, coin this flint with quartz.
- Left Bank Expedition ІА НАНУ (керівники – доктор історичних наук, Oleksandr Motsia, Head of the IA NASU Department, and Candidate of Historical Sciences, Article. Andriy Kazakov, a researcher at the Department of IA of the National Academy of Sciences) carried out archaeological excavations on the territory of Chernihiv (Street. Market, Crafts, Hound, Kirponosa - Yeletska and Krasna Ploshcha). Представлені знахідки давньоруського часу, among them - jewelry, dagger, книжкова застібка, arrowhead, keys. The three-beaded earring of Kyiv type attracts special attention.
- Flint arrowhead (V–IV тис. до н.е.) and amphora throat (VIII century. no.) надані експедицією Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky near the village of Krasne, Bakhmatsky district (керівник – кандидат історичних наук, Article. researcher of the museum Eugene Nogin).
A separate section of the exhibition is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the famous Chernihiv archaeologist Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Shekun. In two showcases you can see the most interesting materials from the excavations of Alexander Vladimirovich in Chernihiv region.
The exposition is complemented by photos from expeditions.
Загалом на виставці представлено 280 exhibits.
Під час відкриття відбулися презентації експедицій їх керівниками, були присутні науковці, students, museum workers and local historians.
The exhibition will run until early December 2020 year.
Curators of the exhibition
zav. department I науково-експозиційного відділу музею Вікторія Мудрицька
старший науковий співробітник відділу науково-фондової роботи музею Людмила Сита
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