To the 90th anniversary of Oleksandr Shekun's birthday

19 January 2025 year marks 90 years since the birth of the famous Chernihiv archaeologist Alexander Vladimirovich Shekun.

Born Alexander Vladimirovich in Chernihiv 1935 year. His childhood has passed in the area of ​​five angles. Graduated from high school No. 1 and entered the Leningrad Forestry Academy. After military service, he studied at the Kiev Light Industry College and in 1962 the year received a diploma in the specialty of artificial fiber technician.

The following 16 years as a master, shift supervisor in Chernihiv synthetic fiber plant. It was then that Alexander Shekun was interested in archaeology, became an active member of speleo-archaeological section Chernihiv regional organization of the Ukrainian Society for Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, а у 1977 he headed it. Carpathians, Caves in Ternopil region, Solovetsky Islands, Kizhi, Nagorny Karabakh is not all places, who visited the members of the section. And, Of course, One of the main activities of the section was the study of Chernihiv Anthony Caves.

1980 The year in the Chernihiv Historical Museum was created a sector of archeology and Alexander Vladimirovich almost 20 years worked in it a researcher at first, and later headed him. In 1998–2003 he held the position of senior researcher in the newly created Regional Inspectorate for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture, To which the museum archeology sector entered is entered.

Alexander Shekun's contribution to the archaeological study of Chernihiv region is difficult to overestimate. He traveled with intelligence almost all districts of Chernihiv region, surveyed and opened above 500 monuments of different eras: from Bronze Age to Russia and post -Mongolian time. He was engaged in excavations of settlements, settlements, Mound and soil burial grounds are most famous for his work in the monuments near the villages of Zvenichi, Sparrow, Clones, Шестовиця, Hmilnytsya, Siblings, New Belous. In 1981–1982 he explored the mounds of Milograd Culture near C. Desnyanka. On 1993 year for 8 Seasons Expedition under his leadership conducted security studies of early Slavic settlement Oleksandrivka-1 in the northeastern outskirts of Chernihiv.

But perhaps the most important for Alexander Vladimirovich became many years of studies of his open 1976 the year of the ancient Russian village of Liskovo near the s. Small Lystven Ripky area, which lasted 16 field seasons (1977–1992.). This is where it took place as a professional archaeologist, And the results of the work changed the views of scientists to the medieval village: rural population was engaged in crafts, used imported things, could live in two -storey and two -chamber dwellings, And the most common women's decoration was a variety of glass bracelets.

A significant place in the activities of Alexander Shekun was occupied by the study of Ancient Chernihiv. Oleksandr Vladimirovich studied the topography of the city, conducted excavations in various parts: Detinets, Divide, Tretyak, Pregnancy, The territory around the Assumption Cathedral of the Yelets Monastery. 1984 the year in the holy tract on the shore of Oz. The mill were discovered 5 furnaces of the XII century. for burning plinfy. Excavations on the street. Kotsyubinskogo (Kotsyubinskogo, 40, 58, 81-and) give an opportunity to make an idea of ​​the construction of this street in ancient Russian time. Do 1988 year on the street. Kuibyshev, 13 (now St.. Магістратська) The studied studies of ancient Russian soil necropolis Chernihiv.

Almost all materials archaeological explorations and excavations, and those, that they bring to the archaeologist students and locals, - and large collections, and individual findings came to the museum. Thanks to the research of Alexander Shekun, the collection of Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowski was replenished 16 626 предметами, Among which are not just interesting, but also unique findings.

Alexander Shekun was not only a professional archeologist but also a true teacher for future archaeologists. In the 1980s at the sector of the archeology of the museum in the center of Chernihiv on the street. Pirogov, 5 The Young Archaeologist Club was created, Classes in which Alexander Shekun and Vladimir Kovalenko were conducted. Practical classes were held with Alexander Vladimirovich, He drove in the first archaeological intelligence, taught to collect lifting material, keep a shovel in your hands and not “carry the mainland”. It was he who was able to interest and show the importance and versatility of archeology. "Uncle Sasha" - so with warmth was called and still called his students - a whole generation of Chernihiv Archaeological School: Elena Veremeychyk, Valentina Multan, Sergey Laevsky, Yuri Fed, Lyudmila Sita, Gennady Zharov, Tatiana Zharova, Sergey Sorokin and others.

Senior Researcher Ludmila Sita