Do 2013 the museum held many events: exhibitions, presentations, Interactive, museum meetings, etc.. Significantly strengthen the scientific potential of the collective. And most importantly - we lived this year so, scho we do not soromno, we have much to be proud of.
Основні миттєвості року 2013:
Виставка “Чернігівщина та чернігівці у боротьбі за Волю України” в Меморіальному комплексі “Пам’яті Героїв Крут”. Museum exhibition toured hundreds of participants from pa'myati Honoring Heroes, who arrived at the famous station of Kyiv, Vinnitsa region, Kyiv region, Sumy region and various parts of Chernihiv region. For all visitors to the museum staff conducted tours, during which not only acquainted with the course of the battle 29 January 1918 year, but with the glorious pages of Ukrainian history and contribution of Chernihiv land in state.
Exhibition "Ukrainian antiquities Vasily Tarnowska", присвячена 175-річчю від дня народження українського громадського і культурного діяча, демонструвалася під час щорічних зборів Товариства “Чернігівське земляцтво” у Києві 1 February. Several thousands of countrymen, including - L. Hairy fur cap, And. Ivy, User area, MPs Ukraine, were able to see: samples of weapons and regalia, silverware, which is so famous collection, religious and household items, including -'s family. The highlight of the exhibition was the author's model of the monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky sculptor M. Mikešin, that was brought to Sofia Square, by VV. Tarnowski bought in by the Exhibition Committee 900 silver rubles.
5 March was a presentation of the new edition - guide "Way of Taras Shevchenko. Chernihiv ". It was prepared by the museum and Kiev house "Bogdan". Printed in preparation for the 200th anniversary of the birth of TG. Shevchenko. The idea of Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska found support, and Chernigov guide launched nationwide series of "Ways of Taras Shevchenko".
1 April, the 175th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Tarnowska an International Conference "Ukrainian collecting antiquities as part of the Ukrainian national movement and national revival XIX - early XX centuries", which was attended by more than 50 scientists from Dnepropetrovsk, Ishmael, Cannes, Kachanivka, Kyiv, Krivoy Rog, City, Odessa, Poltava, Priluk, Rivne, Sum, Chernihiv, Chyhyryn, Yalta, Great Britain. The same day, opened the exhibition "Zhertvolyubna on national affairs person…"Th" Autographs VV. Tarnowska Jr. in the documents of the State Archives of Chernihiv Region ". All participants had the opportunity to visit Kachanovke - estate Tarnovskys.
18 May joined the International Museum "Night at the Museum". For revelers Museum has prepared a diverse and interesting program, which included exhibitions and lottery, ancient and modern ballroom dancing, concerts and presentations, Movies and Interactive, playgrounds, ice cream and coffee. And most importantly - good festive mood. All museums, comprising the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska organized their activities and were able to attract the attention of more than 3000 adults and children.
Museum staff June 15-16 as part of "Travelling Museum" June visited Poltava. We gladly accept colleagues - a team of Poltava museum named F.H. Krichevsky. For two days we learned about the local history museum, Museum-Estate of John Kotlyarevskogo, Historical and cultural reserve "Field of Poltava Battle", National Museum of Ukrainian Pottery in Opishne and its objects, National Museum of MV. Gogol.
Began active phase of archaeological field season, where the museum stands the customer three archaeological expeditions: Vypovzivska - explores the complex of the ninth and tenth centuries Kozeletska area; expedition to the territory Eletski Holy Dormition Monastery in Chernigov - research foundations and Paul church; expedition Chernigiv stronghold - the Saviour cathedral foundations studied additions to the temple.
20 On August Independence Day of Ukraine held "Museum meeting," "call the heart and soul. Sponsors Museum ". Amid exhibition of new acquisitions Holiday Party met with friends of the museum, that contribute to the replenishment of its collection. It is pleasant to note, increasing the number of friends.
19 September museum complex Partisan Glory "Lisohrad" festival held on the occasion of Partisan Glory. On this day in the village Yeline Shchors district met former guerrillas and war veterans, who came from different parts of Chernihiv and Mykolayiv regions, Moscow. At a mass grave near museum was established and inaugurated board with the names of the twelve buried in her partisans. As part of the memorial complex - "Lisohradi" held the traditional exhibition on the history of the guerrilla movement in Chernihiv, "Zarnytsya" for children, концертна програма та партизанська каша.
24 жовтня відбулася Третя наукова конференція “Чернігівщина і чернігівці часів Української революції 1917–1921 років” за участі науковців, музейних співробітників і краєзнавців Чернігова, Kyiv, Путивля, Ніжина, Шостки, Schorsa. Неформальне спілкування і дружня атмосфера, що панували на конференції, дали позитивні наслідки для вирішення наукових проблем. Сприяла цьому й виставка “Участь чернігівців у розбудові армії УНР”.
26 November Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky celebrated its birthday. We turned 117 years! Іменинники презентували книгу “Ройська сотня. Історія створення, населені пункти, сотенна старшина” та буклет “Музейно-меморіальний комплекс партизанської слави “Лісоград”, and opened the exhibition "Anthony of the Caves in Ukrainian embroidery" and "Little trinkets aristocratic world. Men ".
3 December in the Institute of Archaeology of NAS of Ukraine defended thesis "neo Northeast Ukraine". Competitor - Fellow Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky Eugene V. Nogin.
A 17 December Chernihiv National Pedagogical University T. T. Shevchenko defended dissertation researcher Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky Nikolai Vladimirovich peas on "Creation and operation of Torhsynu in Chernihiv (1932-1936 Years.)”.
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