3 January 2014 Dr.. the Military History Museum - Division of Chernihiv Historical Museum. V. Tarnowska opened a new exhibition series "Memory" - "and exploits came to life on paper". It is dedicated to our fellow countryman, writer, partisan unit commander named. Schorsa Hero of the Soviet Union, National Prize of Ukraine Yuri Shevchenko Olefirovychu Zbanatskomu.
YU.O. Zbanatskyy born 1 January 1914 Dr.. with y. Badger Oster County (Now - Kozeletskyi area). After education teacher, Oster was in charge of the local educational departments, worked as an editor of the newspaper.
During World War Z. Zbanatskyy was in behind the enemy lines in our region. After escaping from a concentration camp in 1942 Dr.. he organized a guerrilla group named. Schorsa, which operated in the area between the Dnieper and Desna. Subsequently, in August 1943 р., based guerrilla group of the same name was created partisan unit.
For heroism and courage, manifested in the fight with the enemy, Yuri Olefirovych was awarded orders and medals, and in 1944 Dr.. - The title Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war he taught literature at Kiev Pedagogical Institute, де очолював філологічний факультет.
Активною літературною діяльністю почав займатися з 1944 Dr.. YU.O. Збанацький автор статей та оповідань, повістей та романів, п’єс. He scenarios at the studio named OP. Dovzhenko on a number of films. Do 1970 Dr.. for the novel "The Waves" (1967) received the National Prize of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko. He died Yu. Zbanatskyy 25 April 1994 Dr.. He was buried in Kiev.
The exhibition includes photographs of the Great Patriotic War, ratification, Diplomas, s autograph book, personals Yu. Zbanatskogo, that after his death passed to Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska Museum widow writer Olga Hrysanfivna.
The exhibition will run until the end of January 2014 Dr..
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