Heroes of the battle near Kruty

27 January 2023 year in the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Kruty in the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. V.V. Tarnovsky Museum meeting was held, which was dedicated to this fateful event in the history of Ukraine.

В кінці 1917 offensive was launched against Bolshevik troops Ukrainian Central Rada,,uk,The military action took place on a major railway junctions,,uk. Військові дії відбувались за основні залізничні вузли. For defense station abruptly sent several hundred young men of the 1st Ukrainian Military School,,uk,B.Khmelnitsky,,uk,Kiev universities,,uk. Б.Хмельницького, київських університетів, 2-of the Kyiv Gymnasium, a detachment of free Cossacks under the leadership of two dozen foremen. Проти них виступило кількатисячне більшовицьке військо, добре озброєне і підготовлене. Бій закінчився поразкою студентів, but given the possibility to delay for several days Bolshevik forces on the outskirts of Kyiv,,uk,The exhibition presents materials from the museum,,uk,weapons and military equipment early,,uk,Twentieth century.,,uk.

The meeting was organized and held jointly with the North-Eastern Interregional Department of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. An employee of this institution, candidate of historical sciences Serhii Horobets told about the events, which preceded the battle, its important political, military and symbolic meaning.

Researcher of the Military Historical Museum - a branch of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. Victor Negoda of V. V. Tarnovsky told in detail about the course of the battle itself, про те, what positions were occupied by the Ukrainian troops and units of the occupiers. The commander of the Ukrainian units in the battle near Kruty was Averkii Honcharenko, who was born on the territory of the former Varvy district of Chernihiv region.

Those present could also hear about the commemoration of the Heroes of the battle near Kruty, which began during the Ukrainian revolution, later in Western Ukraine in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century., among representatives of Ukrainian emigrants, and since the 90s - on the territory of Independent Ukraine.


Scientific employee of the museum Viktor Negoda