Coat of arms on the portrait of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

На 6 January is the birthday of the famous Bohdan-Zinovia Khmelnitsky. Famous folk saying "from Bohdan to John was not a hetman". So highly Ukrainians evaluated the contribution to their history of only two hetmans - Khmelnitsky and Mazepa.

In the Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky is kept the old portrait of the first of them, розміром 90 х 74 see. Hetman is depicted in a cherry county, Herred with a dark blue belt, With the turn of the head left ¾, More than a belt, with a valuable mace in one hand, another laid on Ephesus scabs, headdress - a red hat is lined with fur, with 2 white feathers, on the shoulders is a blue opanch (or kirea) with a fur collar; In the upper right corner is the coat of arms. In it on a blue Spanish shield lies a red Renaissance shield, where the Cossack is depicted in a static pose. He is dressed in a yellow county, from under which pink underwear is visible, on the shoulder - a rifle with a brown wooden bed, which Cossack supports the hand, the other hand of the support to the side, to the belt swollen saber, On the head of the Cossack blue round hat, decorated with a white sultan, on the feet brown boots. On the side of the shield reinforcement: The left look 2 Lists on brown holders with metal blades, Yellow pipe and 2 Dark yellow guns; On the right is a dark yellow saber, Berdish on a brown handle with a metal blade, Yellow pipe and 2 Dark yellow guns. Under the shield - 2 Yellow drums, Between which is depicted 8 Radiation yellow star. Outside the shield, on brown states, 5 прапорів, topped with metal spears: in the center - yellow, which is two red and 2 Blue (or white). On the edges of the blue Spanish shield, the abbreviation in yellow letters "b x g v e k m c l" (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Hetman of the Army of the Royal Mercy of Zaporozhye L (?)). In the abbreviation, the artist made a mistake in the last letter - it is necessary “A:”. This is the abbreviation on engraving in. Hondius 1651 р., which served as a model. Another error concerns the star, for on engraving it is or a shield, Whether the wheel. Hondius otherwise cut and the Cossack figure (It is depicted in motion), and placed the armature. Similar mistakes see on engraving k. Vaumansa, 1659 р., Water Bank B. Khmelnytskyi, 1630 р., Copy portraits of the XVIII -XIX centuries.

Comes a portrait from the assembly of VV. Tarnovsky, Jr. (By the catalog 1898 Dr.. № 704). Restored in 1952 Dr.. (Restoration passport No. 354 від 6.04.1952 р.).

Now the dated date of this portrait 2 Half is the end of the seventeenth century. However, we have no wonder in detail the coat of arms and submit its image. Similar iconography of the coat of arms of the Zaporozhye Army (Static outside the Cossack, Clothing, headdress, Turn and tilt the torso) occurred in the Hetmanate in the 30's-50's. XVIII ст. and used to cancel the Hetmanate. So we can assume, The picture was written just in those years. Can be denied, Like the coat of arms was written later. No. Comparison of the gamma of paints is indicative, that the coat of arms is written simultaneously with the portrait. Отже, After clarifying the time of creating a portrait, For the historians of the Cossack Ukraine art, the artist's name is available, that at this time lived here and worked and was well aware of the realities of life.

Старший науковий співробітник музею,

кандидат історичних наук Ігор Ситий


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Портрет гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького – Чернігівський обласний історичний музей ім. VV. Tarnovsky