360-Anniversary of the Battle of Konotop

26 June 2019 walls, in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V. Tarnowska to mark the 360th anniversary of the Battle of Konotop Museum held a meeting with the associate professor of Kyiv National University of T. Shevchenko, candidate of historical sciences and military historian Alexis hatchet.

One of the crucial episodes of political history of Ukraine XVII. was the Muscovite-Ukrainian war of 1658-1659 years, and the most brilliant event - Battle of Konotop. From the results of this war resolved the issue - who will link their fate Cossack Ukraine, Poland or Muscovy.

After the death of Hetman B. Khmelnitsky, in August 1657 р., royal government intensify efforts finally connect Ukraine to Muscovy. This elite Moscow relies on its military garrisons, which were located on the territory of left-bank Ukraine and Kiev since 1654 р., Ukraine at that time was an independent state.

Alex said Sokyrko, that 1648 Dr.. Ukrainian lands and populations were in constant wars and campaigns. Earth, especially bank Ukraine, were devastated, depopulated. Representatives of nobility, which were part of the "new political elite" Ukraine, mostly natives of Volyn, як-от, Vyhovsky and Yu.Nemyrych, try to continue reforms, Khmelnytskyi started and build the young state on a new basis.

Actions Muscovites, aimed at the realization of their intentions to conquer Ukraine, led to the aggravation of relations with the new Moscow Cossack Hetman - John Vyhovsky. The imperial government supported the opposition forces inside Ukraine Hetman. In these circumstances, Vyhovsky summer 1658 Dr.. decides to break the alliance with Moscow and is in agreement with Poland. So, 6 September 1658 Dr.. Hadiatska agreement was signed between the Polish and Vyhovsky, which recorded a return Ukraine to the Commonwealth on the basis of broad autonomy. Однак, Polish Sejm did not approve contract terms signed by King. Hadiach refused to recognize the agreement and some influential representatives of the Cossack.

О. Sokyrko characterized the general course of military operations and the most detailed account of the battle, noting, that professionals in this field are few.

So, fall 1659 Dr.. Muscovy launched military action. In October, the king sends Ukraine 20000th Corps under the command of the governor Prince H.Romodanovskoho, which failed to achieve significant military successes, so in March 1659 Dr.. Moscow king sends Ukraine 40 thousandth army Boyar Prince O.Trubetskoho.

Major events Muscovite-Ukrainian war unfold Konotop, strategic locations on the Moscow-Ukrainian border. 19 April 1659 Dr.. Moscow army - the largest regiment governor O.Trubetskoho, which included an elite corps of Moscow soldiers from the nobility and children of the boyars, the second largest regiment H.Romodanovskoho, shelves F.Kurakina, A.Buturlina, Prince S.Pozharskoho and S.Lvova - came to Konotopa. The city was taken siege. In Chernihiv Cossacks defended Konotop, Nijinsky regiment and part of the Good Friday (only about 4 thousand. people.) led by acting hetman H.Hulyanytskym. The siege of the city lasted more than two months.

Hetman Cossack regiments collects Vyhovsky, conducting negotiations with the Crimean Khan Muhammad Giray, involves a mercenary army (Poles, Serbia, Wallach, Moldovans) and goes to the rescue surrounded Konotopa. Tatar army consisted of Crimean, Belgorod, Nogai, Azov bands, of which the most efficient was Nogai. Since it was almost Vyhovsky 16 thousand. козаків 10 regiments, mainly, right bank: Perei, Kanev, Umansky, Cherkassy, Kalnitsky, Pavolotskyy, Bila, Podolsky, Chernigov Regiment led by Colonel O.Sylych, Prilutsky - future hetman, but by then Colonel P. Doroshenko.

27 June Vyhovsky small force attacked the Moscow army of Konotop. After clashes Cossacks began to "deviate". Deciding, that Cossacks nechyselni Prince O.Trubetskyy, sent 28 June S.Pozharskoho and S.Lvova with almost all the cavalry (detachments of nobles and boyars, Reytarska shelves) to the crossing of the river. Chrysalis, not conducting exploration.

29 June 1659 Dr.. Hetman Vyhovsky of Allied troops went to the crossing. Moscow cavalry, crossed, Hetman attacked troops on the left bank of the river. During the battle, the Crimean Khan, while in ambush with his troops, suddenly struck in the rear at the Moscow cavalry swampy areas. Demoralized blow from the rear, Muscovites fled a few hours and Cossack-Tatar army destroyed virtually all the cavalry (about 5 thousand. people.) army Trubeckogo. The victory was achieved through military skill, exploration, coordinated action.

29 April 1659 Dr.. the Muscovites lifted the siege of Konotop. To defeat the Moscow State Konotop had consequences trahichnii. So, another historian wrote S.Solovyov, that Moscow cavalry, which made happy hiking 1654 and 1655 years, died in one day, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich came out to the people in mourning clothes and terror gripped Moscow. The mourning in Moscow was caused not so much by the number of dead, as those, that many young people from noble Moscow families died during the battle (princes of Volkonsky, Vyazemsky, Meshchersky, Bolkhovsky, Ukhtomsk, Scherbatov and others). Actually, it was a tragedy for the political and military ruling elite of Muscovy, because most of it died.

So, the Moscow-Ukrainian war ended with the defeat of the main forces of the tsarist army, who invaded Ukrainian territory, and their expulsion from Ukraine. The consequences of military reform also played a significant role in the victory, which was started by B. Khmelnytsky, and completed I. Vyhovsky - is the formation of the Cossack army on new principles, creation of mercenary professional troops and artillery arsenal.

At the end of the meeting, a senior researcher at the Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnowski, Candidate of Historical Sciences Ihor Sytyi acquainted the audience with the documentary exhibition, namely - from the collection of universals and letters of the seventeenth century. from the collection of V. Tarnovsky. Most of these documents have the autographs of Hetman I. Vyhovsky.