200-anniversary of the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences

2 October 2020 in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowski opened the exhibition "Hard work and perseverance" (to the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences).

The exhibition is based on exhibits from the funds of the Chernihiv Historical Museum. В.В.Тарновського. Materials of famous pupils of Nizhyn gymnasium are presented, textbooks for high school students, postcards with views of Nizhyn (початок ХХ ст.).

The bust of Nikolai Gogol by the famous sculptor Nikolai Ramazanov attracts special attention.

During the opening of the exhibition, the head of the museum department Natalia Samokhina told the guests about the founders of the Gymnasium.Олександра, Ilya Bezborodkov and Alexander Kushelev-Bezborodko, their material, monetary and spiritual contribution to the development of the educational institution.

Zinaida Petkova, a senior researcher at the museum, spoke about the first directors of the Gymnasium, educational process, hobbies of high school students, famous graduates.

The highlight of the event were three original letters of Nikolai Gogol to Vasily Tarnovsky Sr., about which the senior researcher Svetlana Polovnikova told in detail.

At the end of the event, the director of the library of Nizhyn State University. Alexander Morozov presented M. Gogol to the museum, which are dedicated to the history of the school and thanked the museum staff for creating the exhibition.