Ludmila Mayboroda died

6 September 2022 year, the heart of a talented museum worker and a sincere person stopped beating – Lyudmila Oleksiivna Mayborody.

Over 30 years, she headed the Military Historical Museum - a branch of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky. During this time, she created several hundred stationary and mobile exhibitions, developed and implemented a new vision of the exposition during the time of Ukraine's Independence, raised a constellation of professional museum workers, studied unknown pages of the military history of the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921.

Lyudmila Maiboroda was born 16 August 1948 year in Chernihiv,,uk,in the printing Cyril Trankvilion Stavrovetskogo,,be,Chernihiv was published first book,,uk,Perlo mnogotsіnnoє,,ru,Book Cyril Trankvilion Stavrovetskogo,,be,exposition standing:,,uk. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. For some time she worked at the Chernihiv State Architectural and Historical Reserve. 11 May 1987 was appointed to the position of head of the Military Museum. In recent years, she worked as a senior researcher.

The team Chernihiv Historical Museum. V. V. Tarnovsky is deeply saddened by the death of Lyudmila Oleksiivna.

The memory of Lyudmila Maiboroda will forever remain in our hearts.