Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnovsky at meetings “Chernihiv Brotherhood”

17 January 2014 Dr.. Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnovsky once again participated in the annual meeting of the Society "Chernigov fraternity", which took place at the International Exhibition Center in Kiev. This time, given, that 2014 is the year of the 200th anniversary of the birth of TG. Shevchenko, Museum has prepared an exhibition of "Taras Shevchenko in Chernihiv region of the master".

IMG_8473The exhibition presented the works of masters of folk decorative art, variety of materials, technology implementation. Most attention attracted done in the style of naive art sculptures known woodcarvers Anton Ignatievitch Shtepa (1903–2005) and Alexei Osipovich Kamyshnikova (1911–1985), created scenes Shevchenko poetry "Haydamaky", "Simpleton", "Naymichka", "Hymn Cherniche", and a bust of the poet AG. Steppe. Take rozdyvlyalysya visitors and bandura Alexander Samiylovycha Korniyevsky (1889–1988), famous masters of musical instruments, often adorned their works depicting T. Shevchenko. On the exposed neck was also carved with bas-relief portrait of Ukrainian genius.

IMG_8484Wood works very well combined with towels Natalia Chernyak (1940 Dr.. n.) and Alexandra Ivanovna Leynachuk (1919–2004), embroidered inherent Chernihiv techniques and ornaments. Of particular fascination aroused exquisite wreaths. The beginning of the twentieth century. dated towels embroidered with rows of Shevchenko's poems, created simple peasant women. And with the museum's collection was created costume Catherine, which is entirely consistent with the image, painted T. Shevchenko.

Were also presented applique strips Vasily Guziy (1914–2002), chasing on metals (karbivka) Vitali Vitalievitch Omelyanenko (1951 Dr.. n.). Among the oldest items on display - a wooden box with a portrait of TG. Shevchenko, made in the nineteenth century. unknown master.


Among the many visitors were as old sympathizers Museum, and new visitors. Countrymen not only examined the exhibits and listened to an explanation of museum staff, but also to communicate with them on a variety of topics history of his native Chernihiv region.