In Chernihiv Historical Museum hosted a presentation of the exhibition “Chernihiv road Poet”

01Almost all his life Taras Shevchenko was far from his native land, but always felt it an integral part of. In a letter to his brother he wrote from St. Petersburg: "... And still better, coli poluchish, read a word home. Heart like a laugh, when you know, whats ... "

5 березня в Чернігівському історичному музеї імені В.В.Тарновського відбулася презентація електронної версії пересувної виставки “Чернігівські дороги Кобзаря”. The exhibition will consist of 16 tablets with information on the presence of Taras Shevchenko in towns of our region in its current administrative boundaries.

Three travel Taras made Chernihiv. 02It is our land linked his return to Ukraine 1843 year, when he visited the invitation H.S.Tarnovskoho Kachanivka, and which brought his famous painting "Mrs.". In Chernihiv land Taras Shevchenko fruitful work as a poet and artist, greeted the faithful and sincere friends, ardent admirers of his talent. Great Poet hospitably received representatives of liberal, which concerned the fate of the artist, significantly helped the poet to overcome life's difficulties. In Chernihiv he drew inspiration from the richest and glorious history, scenic views, female charm. Here he found many prototypes heroes of his future works. The memory of the poet and stay still live in cities and towns, towns and villages of our country. In the drawings and photographs, descriptions and captions recreated Chernigov Shevchenkiana.

05A separate dedicated tablet Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V. Tarnowska, meeting in which: Two autograph TG. Shevchenko - the album "Kachanivka" and the "Kobzar", a gift from the artist Gregory Chestahivsky, relief from the cross on Mount Chernechey, cast 1883 Dr.. project and expense Basil Tarnowska, portrait of Shevchenko, redrawn Panteleimon Kulish.

The exhibition is based on the guidebook "Ways of Taras Shevchenko. Chernihiv "and aims during this jubilee year to visit those spot, where stayed or visited Taras and, thereby, expand the circle of admirers Tarasov Words.