У Чернігові проведено круглий стіл «1941 рік. «Україна в огні»: трагедія та пам’ять»

18 June 2014 in Chernigov in the Military History Museum - Department of Regional History Museum named after VV. Tarnowska - Day of mourning and remembrance of war victims scientists held a round table "1941. «Україна в огні»: трагедія та пам’ять».

During the opening event participants commemorated the victims viynyhvylynoyu silence.

Games Zhyrnov, Chief Specialist of the Department of Information and Communication of the Chernihiv Oblast State Administration, spoke about the events in Chernihiv Day of mourning and remembrance of war victims in Ukraine.

003Сергій Бутко, representative of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance in Chernihiv region, Researcher, drew attention to the fact, that before the German-Soviet War Red Army in general and in particular the western military districts, have sufficient troops and equipment, including naynovitnoho, compared with the Wehrmacht, to successfully repel aggression. So, on the territory of Ukraine in minimal manpower advantage was on the side of the Germans and their allies: 1.508.500 German, Hungarian and Romanian troops against 1.412.136 Soviet military. In military technology and service with a significant advantage was on the side of the USSR. Tanks: 8 069 against Soviet 1 144 German; in guns and mortars: 26 580 against Soviet 16 008 German; airplanes of all types: 4 696 against Soviet 1 829 German.

The scientist said, Stalin ignored warnings that Soviet intelligence, is timely and accurately informed over the Soviet leadership of the danger of attack by Nazi Germany. In a sudden fit of Nazi aggression against the USSR 22 June 1941 year, catastrophic outbreak of war and the terrible scale of losses is completely guilty leadership of the Soviet Union led by Stalin - the totalitarian communist regime.

Rostislav Pylyavets, Lead researcher Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Ph.D., revealed the scale of the disaster in the Red Army 1941 year, especially in Ukraine. In particular, він охарактеризував одну з найбільших у світовій історії танкову битву під Дубно, наголосив на причинах нищівних поразок Червоної армії у початковий період війни, described the fate of troops, caught in boilers environment. So, Uman boiler (late July - early August 1941 р.) surrounded and destroyed the 6th and 12th Soviet Army, surrendered in captivity 103 thousand. Red; as a result of defeat in Kiev defense operations (7 July - 26 September 1941 р.) in the largest wars in history died boiler command of the Southwestern Front and 4 Soviet Army, prisoner gets, according to German data, 665 thousand. Red (by Soviet - 485 thousand. people); Kharkiv battle (May 1942 р.) crushed three Soviet armies, captives fell to 240 thousand. Red.

The main causes of the fighting military historian named unwillingness command and troops to defensive actions, low level of combat training officers and other ranks, inappropriate requirements war level management of the Red Army, inexperience and lack of initiative team staff, low moral and political status of personnel. This was the result of political persecution of experienced military personnel from the Stalinist totalitarian regime 1936-1939 years: its generals, senior and mid-level officer corps, when he was shot and imprisoned 44 thousand. people.

Rostislav Pylyavets also drew attention to the unprecedented number of Red, who were captured in 1941 year -3,000,000. 335 thousand. people. One of the main reasons he called the lack of a significant proportion of soldiers of the Red Army to fight for desire "for the socialist homeland", "Stalin", "For the Soviet Union", "By the Communist Party". This is also the result of communist policy: enslavement of the peasants, Holodomor 1921-1923 years, 1932-1933 Years, repression, impoverished life and ruthless exploitation.

P1340673On fighting in Chernihiv in August and September 1941 Sergei was described in detail Laevsky, Director of Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, moderated.

In particular, He pointed out that, for 7-10 September in the village Capricorns Chernihiv region was surrounded and almost destroyed 195th Infantry Division, commanded by General Vitaly Nesmyelov. Do 2009 Rediscovered by search engines and was transferred to the museum safe with documents of the political division of the: politdonesennya, reports, Help, lists of personnel political workers, forms etc.. Today the restored about 100 sheets and researchers work continues. Lets you track sentiment fighters and commanders, which were quite different. In particular, September report containing concern about the situation and the lack of clear mandates and interaction parts. How is it relevant today!

Загалом, marked C. Laevsky, Exposure to Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska topic covered defensive battles in Chernihiv in August and September 1941 materials, the direct participants, including commanders. In recent years, the collection updated with material from exploration work and Chernihiv regions Shchors. Museum staff sometimes can not establish the names of the victims and their descendants track.

004Raisa Sparrow, Director of the State Archives of Chernihiv region, PhD in Public Administration, introduced a useful publication for researchers and institutions all, those interested in history, "Funds occupations" with annotated register descriptions, concerning the war and the period of Nazi occupation. She showed participants moving and read excerpts of student works from the funds of the war archive, all students who wrote while studying at 1944 year. It is interesting, These children are invaluable evidence of the horror of war were declassified only in the early 1990s.

After liberation from German occupation Chernigovschiny Soviet authorities to immediately and effectively took full control of the entire information space of the region. Одночасно швидко створюються та розповсюджуються агітаційно-пропагандистські матеріали про війну «правильного» ідеологічного спрямування. This, in his speech noticed Elena Lysenko, director of public institution "Exploratory Agency to create scientific documentary series" Book of Remembrance "and" Rehabilitated history "Chernihiv Regional Council. She also noted, that millions of military and civilian victims of war Soviet propaganda served as an obligatory sacrifice in the fight with the enemy. У Чернігівській області на обліку знаходиться 1700 поховань, братських могил, пам’ятних знаків і пам’ятників часів війни. 002Про це повідомила Людмила Біньковська, Head of the Department of History Municipal Institution "Chernihiv scientific center of cultural heritage" Chernihiv Regional Council. She noticed, that the period of defensive battles 1941 was mostly represented mass grave Red and civil naselennya.Pid the meeting on the sidelines and roundtable participants discussed, а до якої війни готувався Й.Сталін і все керівництво СРСР? So, С.Бутко та Р.Пилявець вказали, що розташування радянських військ на західному кордоні відповідало підготовці до наступальних дій, а не оборони. Sergey Sparrow, Fellow Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Ph.D., нагадав маловідомий факт, що не тільки у 1939 році СРСР здійснив агресію проти Фінляндії. Попри існуючі стереотипи, 22 June 1941 року Фінляндія не оголошувала війну Радянському Союзу. Натомість СРСР 25 June 1941 вчергове розпочав військові дії проти Фінляндії. Певно, спрацювали довоєнні плани агресії, які не встигли відмінити в хаосі перших днів війни. Later it had a fatal effect during the siege of Leningrad. The scientist and his colleagues support the view of domestic and Russian historians, which concluded: СРСР готувався до нападу на Німеччину, а Гітлер тільки випередив свого ворога. С. Горобець наголосив, that the leadership of the Russian Federation makes history Soviet-German war weapons for its information aggression against an independent state Ukraine, constantly drawing parallels with "fascists" and "Bandera". True story - our weapon against modern Russian aggression…When summarizing the roundtable participants were unanimous on the need to study and implementation in practice of public policy bitter lessons of tragedies and catastrophes German-Soviet War, especially 1941 year. Priority should be given to the organization of Ukrainian state effective offensive information policy, in the implementation of which should take all scientists, intellectuals. Organizers: Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum of VV. Tarnowska and Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, with the assistance of the Department of Culture and Tourism, національностей та релігій та Департаменту інформаційної діяльності та комунікацій з громадськістю Чернігівськоїоблдержадміністрації. Олександр Майшевчлен Національної спілки журналістів України