In the Military History Museum commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan

11 February 2014 at the premises of Military History Museum - Division of Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky an exhibition "For pure and peaceful sky dawn", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. On the same day in the museum book prezentuvalasya soldiers in Afghanistan, Head of Department of Ethnology and regional studies and tourism work, Candidate of Historical Sciences Yuri Rusanov "The feed Panjshīr".


These events led to a lot of Chernihiv museum and visitors, including: Afghan war veterans, led by the head of the Chernihiv regional branch USVA Stanislav Vikhrov, relatives Chernihiv, who died performing their international duty - Svitlana Shapoval, Valentine faithful, Hope Oblisova, Mark Kamsykiy, students and teachers of the Institute of History, етнології та правознавства ім. OM. Lazarev, representatives of veteran organizations of the city, which is headed by Irina Chetvertak, Chernihiv lyceum pupils with intensive military and physical training, працівники музеїв, бібліотек, Media.

During the opening ceremony the participants paid tribute to soldiers, killed and died of wounds minute of silence in memory of them is the chairman of the regional committee of families of fallen soldiers in Afghanistan with Chernihiv oblast branch USVA Larissa Kozhara and commander of 682 th Mechanized Regiment Peter Suman (Belarus) запалили свічки. Поруч з ними книги журналіста та письменника Якова Ковальця “Боль и память” та “Помните нас”, в яких згадані імена 118-ти чернігівців.

P1320853Виставка є продовженням постійної музейної експозиції, де представлені матеріали наших земляків, who gave their lives, вірні воїнській присязі. В ній експонуються численні фотографії, depicting fighting soldiers and the everyday, John Vyalka Awards and Acknowledgments, which were given by command and a grateful Afghan people, propaganda leaflets and newspapers of the time, uniforms and personal belongings of combatants, models of military equipment, which has been in service with the Soviet Army. A map exhibition begins Afghanistan and two pictures, symbols: Amin Palace, with which the assault and the war and military columns 40th Army on a bridge Termez-point at Hairaton, that ever leaving Afghanistan.


A separate part of the exposition materials about creating a public movement of veterans, united in the Ukrainian association of soldiers in Afghanistan and current affairs Chernihiv regional and city offices.

Many of the officers continued to carry their service, and thus also contributed to peacekeeping operations under UN auspices. In particular, presented a set of Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Shapovalov, who managed to visit Kosovo, Sierra Leone and Liberia.


The exhibition presents both pieces of Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, and relics, courtesy of the participants of the events, particular, Sergei Szeged, Alexander Slyesarenkom, Anatoly Kyrylyuk, Joseph Miterovym, Yuri Rusanov, Jacob Kovaltsy.

No less touching for the opening of the exhibition was the presentation of the book "The feed Panjshīr". Museum Lecture Hall could not accommodate all comers. Performed by students of Chernigov Institute of History, етнології та правознавства ім. OM. Aleksei Lazarev Harkuna came the song "Memory", and the screen can be seen excerpts of the Afghan War Chronicle, documentaries and feature films.

In their speeches soldiers in Afghanistan: commander of 682 th regiment motostrіletskogo, полковник у відставці Петро Суман, командир розвідроти Андрій Певцов поділилися спогадами про військову операцію у ПанджшерDSC_9640ській ущелині, яка 1984 року стала найбільш кривавою за всю 10-ти річну війну. With his memories of fighting everyday Afghan war and impressions of the book were Chernihiv deputy mayor Stanislav Vikhrov, Miterov Joseph and Andrew Elias. The participants discussed lively book, and the time unnoticed pop.

The exhibition "For a peaceful and clean sky stars", which can be seen during the celebration 14 лютого в обласному академічному українському музично-драматичному театрі, працюватиме у військово-історичному музеї до середини березня.