The plot of the "Annunciation" on the liturgical vestments from the museum collection

One of the most commonly memorized plots on epitrachils and I ordered [1] в XVII–XVIII ст. in Ukraine there was a scene "Annunciation". The iconographic image of the "Annunciation" on the priest's robes depends on the shape and area of ​​a particular piece of clothing. So on the epitrachel, which is worn around the neck and hangs down from the front in the form of two parallel long strips, images of the Mother of God and the Archangel Gabriel were embroidered opposite each other on two parts of the robe, as seen on the epitrachils (Інв. No. I-1363, I-1365, I-1367), stored in the collection of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky. Image of the Mother of God, as a rule, occupies the right side of the epitrachel, and the archangel to the left. The Virgin stands next to the annals on which the open book lies and points to its page. This iconographic element is reminiscent of the book of the prophet Isaiah and his prophecy: “The Lord Himself will give you a sign: Here The virgin in the womb will accept and to give birth to a Son» (Business. 7, 14). Archangel Gabriel holds in his hand a blossoming branch of a lily - a sign of purity and piety of the Virgin Mary.

In the same period on the epitracheals of the XVII-XVIII centuries. the image of Saints Basil the Great is becoming widespread, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, whom the Church calls universal teachers, appreciating their works of evangelism and the depth of their theological thought. Their embroidered holy attire helps to more accurately establish the date of creation of a particular epitrachel.

So exclusively bishop's liturgical clothing is sakos, which is a long spacious garment with wide sleeves. It came into liturgical use in the twelfth century., when the Byzantine emperors began to give the patriarchs of Constantinople some items of royal clothing in honor of their dignity. The spread of these liturgical vestments as an attribute of episcopal dignity was not too rapid.. The patriarch of Constantinople initially wore a sakos only three times a year: on Easter, on the day of Pentecost (Holy Trinity) and at Christmas, and on other days he wore a felon [2]. In the XIV-XV centuries. sacos were already worn by other presiding bishops, that is, patriarchs and some metropolitans, and from the XVII century. sakos in the Christian East became a common attire for all bishops.

On the territory of Ukrainian lands sakos appeared in the XV century. He was brought with him from Greece by Metropolitan Photius of Kyiv, Greek in origin. Authentically, not earlier than with 1667 year [3] sakos began to be worn by metropolitans. In the same year, the right to wear this bishop's robe was given to the archbishop of the ancient Chernihiv department Lazar Baranovich. Other archbishops and bishops wore felons for worship, while y 1705 year it was not established to wear sakos to all bishops.

The gradual spread of the saxophone can be demonstrated by the example of quilted clothing, stored in the Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky. So on the epitrachel of cherry velvet (Інв. No. I-1363) Saint John Chrysostom, who was the patriarch of Constantinople is depicted in a sakos, and St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea [4] Cappadocian in a felon. In addition to the plot of the Annunciation and the saints, images of St. Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk with scrolls in their hands are also embroidered on the robe. (on them the inscription “Lord, in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos "and" Lord, blessings be. "), the righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna and two cherubim.

The historical process of spreading sakos is also shown on the quilted epitrachel composition of light brown satin (Інв. No. I-1365), which belonged to the Church of the Transfiguration. Carp. It depicts the patriarchs of Constantinople, Saints John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, in a sakos, and Saints Basil the Great and Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop Mir [5] Lycian in felon. Reverend Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk are also depicted on the epitrachel, two six-winged seraphim.

The two above-mentioned epitrachils date back to the end of the 17th century. and reflect the historical realities of the time. At the liturgical robe of the beginning of the XVIII century. (Інв. No. I-1367) both saints Basil the Great (who was not a patriarch) and Gregory the Theologian are depicted in sacos. Images of St. Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk are also painted on the robe [6], Saints Boris and Gleb.

It is also common to quote the story "Annunciation" on the railings. They are worn on the wrists and therefore the images of the Virgin and the Archangel are embroidered separately on the right and left hand.. An example of such sewing are near the end of the XVII century. of cherry velvet (Інв. No. I-1450, I-1490).

As on the railings, and epitrachils (Інв. № I-1363 and I-1367) the arched arches with columns and floral motifs between them attract attention. Such sewing elements demonstrate the high skill of the seamstresses and reflect the general tendency of contemporary Ukrainian art to enhance the decorativeness of the ornamented decoration of works..

Researcher of the museum,

Candidate of Theology Miroslav May-Boroda

[1] Special oversleeves in the form of wide ribbons with cords, tightening the sleeves of the undercoat. They symbolize the omnipotence of the power of Christ and remind the clergy, that they do not perform the sacraments on their own, but is only an instrument of Christ. Also next to symbolize the shackles, by which Christ was bound.

[2] Felon - priestly liturgical vestments, covering the whole body. Symbolizes crimson - clothes, similar to royal attire, in which mocking, Christ was clothed by Roman soldiers, "and, floating from a thorn wreath, put on Him " (Mk. 15, 17).

[3] After the Great Moscow Cathedral 1666-1667 рр.

[4] Caesarea is a city in Asia Minor, now Kayseri (Туреччина).

[5]Myra is an ancient city in Lycia, in southwestern Asia Minor, near the modern town of Demre (Туреччина).

[6] The image on the robes of St. Anthony and Theodosius may indicate their origin from the Haptar workshops of Kyiv..