У липні 2022 an English-language collection of articles was published in Paris, dedicated to the Scandinavian antiquities of Chernigov and Shestovytsia "A Viking Century: Chernihiv area from 900 to 1000 AD». Its compiler, the author and co-author of some articles is Stepan Stepanenko, a researcher at the Henry Jackson Society, of the London think tank for foreign policy and national security.
The publication is dedicated to the archeology of Chernihiv Oblast. It presents previously little-studied archaeological material of the 10th century. The authors consider issues of chronology, resettlement, trade and cooperation on the border during the formation of the Russian state. Questions are raised about the place of archeology as a separate discipline in determining historical social changes and problems of heritage preservation. The book is full of illustrations, many of which are presented by the collections of the Vasyl Tarnovsky Historical Museum of Chernihiv.
In the article by Eric Olivier and Stepan Stepanenko "From movement to settlement: hoards in the Chernihiv area" presents the numismatic collection of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after Vasyl Tarnovsky, in particular, the Rudivsky treasure (1928 р.) Dirhams of the X century. The museum collection was the focus of Yuri Syty's research "Chernihiv barrows: twentieth and twenty-first-century excavations», Sergey Zelenka "Amphorae from Shestovytsya", Viktor Golub "From dust to the display: conservation of high-status archaeological finds from Shestovytsya».
On the cover is a sword from the museum collection, found in Shestovytsia in 1926 year by Petro Smolichev, an employee of the Chernihiv State Historical Museum.
The publication is presented in the scientific library of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after Vasyl Tarnovsky.
Director of the museum Serhiy Laevsky
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