Manuscript alphabet,,uk,mathematics, etc.,,uk,for children,,uk,No. Al-232 Catalog C.,,bg,Nineteenth century,,uk,Nineteenth century.,,uk,No. I-131,,ru,Foot of the nineteenth century.,,uk,Ongoing XVIII st.,,bg 1755 year

Manuscript alphabet,,uk,mathematics, etc.,,uk,for children,,uk,No. Al-232 Catalog C.,,bg,Nineteenth century,,uk,Nineteenth century.,,uk,No. I-131,,ru,Foot of the nineteenth century.,,uk,Ongoing XVIII st.,,bg, математика та ін. для дітей. 16 May 1755 Dr..

Папір. Інв. № Ал-232 Каталог В. Tarnovsky 1900 Dr.. № 6.