"Go away - you see a lot". Museum lecture hall in Lviv.

свірж15-17 August museum lecture "Dear native land" made tenth trip to the city along the route Chernihiv - Ostrog - Lviv - SvirZ - Univ Lavra - Zolocev. Three days breaking over 1600 kilometers, екскурсанти дізналися багато нового з історії західних областей України. They examined the unique architectural monument and museum exhibitions Rivne and Lviv, admire the beautiful scenery.
Про розвиток писемності та книгодрукування йшла розповідь в Острозькому музеї книгодрукування. It was interesting to get acquainted with the educational tradition of Ostrog Academy. Etched in the memory of great collections of Lviv Museum of Ethnography and Crafts. Unique impressed visiting Univ Holy Dormition Lavra - famous spiritual center of Ukraine. Окрему увагу було приділено оборонним спорудам – замкам та фортецям у Свіржі та Золочеві.

свірж-Despite the distance Chernihiv region of western regions, lectures, participants felt constant close connection with our land. For outstanding Ukrainian writers T. Shevchenko, P. Thick gruel of cornflour, M. Kotsyubynsky, О. Довженко, whose life was associated with Chernihiv, strengthen cultural chain between our past zemlyamy.Vyvchayuchy, tourists were filled with real pride for their country.

We invite all participants "Dear native land", created Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, send to e-mail samoxina55@mail.ru photo reports and their impressions of travel.

Thank you Helen and Nicholas Zhabinskii Mozgovyi, who first responded to this offer. With their photos available the link.