During the first half of the library museum received 93 Books, mainly scientific and popular scientific direction. This - release, which were presented by the authors, publishers, colleagues, etc.. Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnovsky expresses gratitude to all, Who in this financially difficult time, giving us their books, supports Ukrainian Museum Affairs. Some library revenues previously reported, So today we want to share the following editions:
- Shepherd RH, Yakushev-Omelyanchik RM, Surgai LS. Dictionary–Directory museum professionals. - K.: Cue, 2013. – 464 s.: іл. Issued by the Library of the Museum of History of Kyiv dictionary directory includes commonly museum vocabulary and common terms, concerning architecture, Sculpture, paintings, графіки, arts and crafts, Numismatics, Phaleristics, knigoznavstva, written sources, restoration business.
- About Malchenko. Museum artilleriae Ucrainiciae. Ukrainian Museum of Artillery XV–XVIII Ages. Part I. Ukrainian gun in international museum collections. - K., 2011. – 216 s.: іл. Most of the work is illustrated catalog, covering all known historical cannons Ukrainian origin XV-XVIII centuries, now kept in foreign museums. Sprawling comment supplement catalog, unfolding historical background, where guns were made, participated in wars and "traveled" in time and space through the centuries. An important element is the publication glossary, helping to organize thematic technical terminology and orient the reader among the many nuances in matters of historical artillery.
- About Malchenko. Artillery in the Ukrainian lands XIV–XV ages. - K., 2005. – 184 with. The publication deals with the history and spread of artillery followed by motion bullet technology Ukrainian lands in XIV-XV centuries. Based on documentary sources the typology guns, who were armed Ukrainian castles.
- Kindratyuk B. Dzvonarska culture Ukraine: monographic research. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Izdatel'stvo Prikarpatsky th. un- after that. In. Stefanik, 2012. – 898 with. – (History of Ukrainian music: Research, vip. 19 /Institute of Ukrainian Studies. And. Krip’yakevycha NAS of Ukraine). This work is the first attempt to follow from a wide range of sources and relevant research forming scientific understanding of the culture of Ukraine dzvonarsku. Submitted history of bells and development dzvonarskoho art, shown secular functions bells, value local regulations dzvonin in religious rites, The review of these facilities to accommodate percussion musical instruments, their state of preservation, described art ringer. Comprehended as reflected bells and dzvonin in popular culture, red pismenstvі, Visual arts, music. Got into publishing and Chernigov church bells, and bells, meeting held in Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky. To book enclosed electronic database "Ancient bell Ukraine (XI-XVIII centuries.)"On CD.
- Ukrainian vytynanka. Album Directory / By-compilation.: Є. Shevchenko, In. Kornienko. - K.: Traditional sources, 2013. – 112 s.: іл. Album highlights the creative heritage of Ukrainian artists vytynanka, represented in the National Exhibition in the National Union of Folk Art of Ukraine (May-June 2013 р.). It includes also some works from the collection of Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, including universal Hetman Kirill Razumovsky, decorated kustodiyamy.
- A Thousand Years of Ukrainian seal. Exhibition Catalogue / Chairman of the Editorial Board VA. Смолій; compiler YU.K. Савчук. - K.: Institute of History of Ukraine, 2013. – 504 s.: іл. The book - a catalog of the exhibition "A Thousand Years of Ukrainian seal", established at the National Museum of History of Ukraine with the participation of museums, Archives, Private Collections. It among others, are monuments from the collection of Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska - bone Kisten XI. featuring the trident prince Yaroslav the Wise, "The book Zabily" 1679-1745 years. depicting picture "Sigilum Ucrainie" and two universal Hetman Kirill Razumovsky.
- Fr±ckowskaEnter the. GdanskSilverTankardsofthe 17thand 18thCenturies: Typology, Styles, Iconography. – Warsaw, 2013. – 402 p. Book Ph.D. Anna Frakovskoyi dedicated collection of silver cups XVII-XVIII centuries, made in Gdansk. Серед понад 400 Three items are rarities, from the collection of Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky: mug Wizard II Johan Rohde, which belonged to Colonel LUBNY Leontius candle; mug Wizard II Jerome Hall; mug Wizard Ernstera Siegfried, which comes from the collection of Ukrainian antiquities Vasily Tarnowska. Their description entered into the main custodian - H.P. Arena.
- Androŝuk F. Viking swords. - K.: WA "Space", 2013. – 712 s.: open. The book served description, dating types of swords, and examines the social role of the sword in a militarized society Vikings. The book has a high-quality illustrations and catalog 832's Scandinavian swords and their fragments.
- Prokopovych PI. Selected Works (in three volumes). Tom 1. Families bee (s autograph uporyadnika VD. Zuya). Tom 2. Management of beekeeping. Tom 3. About the school bee. - H.: Factor, 2010-2013. Collected Works is the first complete edition of the works of the most famous Ukrainian beekeeper, scholar and teacher. Almost half of the material, presented in this publication - incunabula, because of the nineteenth century had never published. Books were donated to the museum by the originator of the inspection hive P. Prokopovych, which is stored in Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky.
- Shevchenko Encyclopedia: in 6 t. Tom 3, volume 4 / NAS of Ukraine, Inst l-ri im. TG. Shevchenko; redkol.: MG. Zhulinsky (.) [etc..]. - K., 2013. Received the following six-volume encyclopedias volumes about the life and work of TG. Shevchenko. As in the past - an active part in the development encyclopedias have workers Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky, particular, Senior Researcher - S.O. Polovnikova, who wrote an article about Kachanivka, Markivtsi, Motronivku and Olenevka.
- Violin T. Nest Dragomanova-Kosachev: their structure and culture. - K.: Темпора, 2013. – 656 s.: іл. The book refers to the spiritual environment and cultural atmosphere of family estates Dragomanova-like cells Kosachev Ukrainian traditions and aristocratic culture of the late XIX - early XX century. Put into circulation new sources, used printed and handwritten memoirs, epistolary owners of estates, members of their family and environment. Also filed more than five hundred unique photos, most of which is in private collections in the US, Canada, Switzerland and Russia.
- Bully IM. Epistolary heritage Basil Gorlenko. Монографія. View. 2Entrance, Complement. and pererobl. /Library anthology "Windmill". Vip. 5. - K., 2013. – 400 with. (s autograph). The book not only epistolary heritage VP. Gorlenko. The author tries to highlight the correspondence through the analysis of the identity and personality of the famous Ukrainian literary criticism, art, folklore, ethnographer, connoisseur and collector of national antiquities, elegant essayist and journalist beauty. The book mentions VV. Tarnowski and his remarkable collection of Ukrainian antiquities, and efforts Gorlenko describe and publish it. For the preparation of the monograph benefited Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky.
- Sfrahistychnyy Yearbook. - Issue IV. - K.: NAS of Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute of Archeology and Source Studies. MS. Hrushevskoho; Institute of Special Historical Museum subjects Sheremetyevo, 2013. – 576 s.: іл. The fourth issue of "Sfrahistychnoho Yearbook" was prepared on the basis of the Third International Conference sfrahistychnoyi, held in Kyiv on November 16-18 2012 Dr.. Subjects collection focused around various aspects sfragistics community groups and corporations (Institutions) Central and Eastern Europe. The collection included an article candidate of historical sciences, Senior Scientist Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska IM. Sitogo, devoted seals Nizhyn Greeks.
- Boris Grinchenko - known and unknown: materials Hrinchenkivskyh annual readings: 5 December 2012 Dr.. / According Society. Ed VO. Ognevyuk, L.L. Horuzhy, AI. Movchun. - K.: [Kyiv, un-t IM. B. Hrinchenko], 2013. – 176 with. The publication published materials Hrinchenkivskyh annual readings, which took place 5 December 2012 Dr.. and were confined to the 149 th anniversary of the birth of BD. Hrinchenko. The new research, which is a significant contribution to the modern hrinchenkoznavstvo, covering various aspects of the multifaceted Boris Dmitrievich, a fresh regarded his work. Among the collection went Posts Senior Scientist article Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska - AI. Isayenko, dedicated "Zemskomu sbornyku Chernihiv province" as an important source in the study period Chernigov life and work of writer and public figure.
- 1944. Partizanskiy Almanac 2009. Фотоальбом. - Minsk, 2009. – 199 with. In the album, concluded on materials Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War, where a unique collection of partisan handwritten journals, covering various aspects of existence and of guerrilla units and formations in Belarus.
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