Pernach Paul Polubotko Collection Basil Tarnowska

By the 175th anniversary of Basil Tarnowska

1899 Dr.. known philanthropist and collector VV. Tarnovskiy gave m. Ukrainian Chernigov his collection of antiquities, basis of which were everyday and Religious Sites, portraits of historical figures, documents Cossack era, personal belongings and. Mazepa, And. Skoropadskiy, P. Polubotko, D. Apostle, To. Razumovsky etc..

pernach PolubotkoShortly before the event VV. Tarnovskiy acquired in Poltava in Miloradovich family - descendants Polubotko, pernach, which is said to belong to Chernihiv colonel and acting hetman (1705–1724) Paul L. Polubotko. Had already been prepared for publication "Catalogue of Ukrainian antiquity VV. Tarnow ", because the drafters umistyly description pernacha not in the "Insignia", and annexed by the number 838. Because it was not included in the catalog and photograph it, ten other pernachiv, represented on the pages of, illustrated sufficiently high-quality images. First pernacha image appeared on the pages of the magazine "the Kiev Antiquity" in May 1899 Dr.. in the notification of new additions to the collection VV. Tarnovsky, particular, placed his picture and a brief description. Nadybuyemo picture of Interest in "Illustrated History of Ukraine" M. Hrushevskoho, custom-made art restorers author Nicholas Kasperovich, which for years 1914-1918 restored exhibits Ukrainian Antiquities In. Tarnovsky. However,, during the Second World War relic Polubotko depasportyzovana was and still listed as anonymous (inv. Number I-4529).

Pernach as cold shock weapons, kind of clubs is known from the XIV century. He was a combat unit, formed radially spaced vertical triangular metal plates or curly - feathers (number to 14 units), welded to the hollow core. In the case of, when the feathers were six, this type of weapon called shestoper.

The weapon had a wooden or metal handle with ridges kiltsevydnymy, are ruled by the Garda and served as a support for the hand. У XVI–XVII ст. length pernacha reached almost 50 cm with a metal head diameter to 14 see. Such weapons at the same weight and size is more effective blow struck, than mace.

IMGP0308У XVІI–XVІII ст. in Ukraine pernach lost purely combat values ​​and attributes become polkovnytskoyi power. The shape and size polubotkivskoho pernacha typical times Hetman. The catalog Tarnowska so given his description: "Silver smooth. Head cast of six gilded openwork feathers. Posredine Ručkay chekanena innate cheshui ". It has a length of 48 see, diameter head - 9 see, handle - 2,5 see, length feathers - 9,7 see, width - 2,4 see, thickness - 0,3 see. Weight Pernach skladaє 611,5 g, silver 900 carat. Handlebar - Wood, okute three silver plates. Upper and Dolishniy - smooth, almost the same size (the length according 12 cm 12,3 see), average (length 12,6 see) mounted in side seamed okuttya and profiled belt, its surface is embossed ornament nyzkorelyefnym, resembling fish scales. This made it possible to safely trim to hold Kleynod. Head - silver gilded, consists of a hollow cylindrical tube length 10 see, diameter 2,4 see, which are soldered six openwork pear-shaped feathers vylyvnyh, gently tapering down and end-supports small rings. Tops curved, slightly above the head, engraved four-socket. It seems, later head separated from the handle. By analogy between the belt should be, which, likely, cut (This explains the difference in the length of the upper and the lower handle okut), parts and soldering together the rough. In addition, pervisne backplate, probably, was lost, existing and generally not combined with head and decor tends to nineteenth century.

To determine the time production of Interest, provide important information works of fine art, including the officers' portraits. This type pernacha depicted in portraits: P. Polubotko, derived from the estate Sulym, relatives Polubotko (Copy the nineteenth century. the original early eighteenth century.), Akhtyrsky colonel and. Perekhrest (engraving 1689 р.) of O. Tarasevicha, which is characteristic for large image similarity artistic image of the original, Starodubsky Colonel M. Myklashevsky (1706 р.) bunchukove friend M. Borkowski (first quarter of the eighteenth century.) And the engraving. Schyrskoho after Mirgorodskogo Colonel D. Apostle (1693 р.). Similar by type pernachi often found in the collections of museums in Ukraine. Luskaty ornament, which is decorated handle Regalia, does not specify dating, but evidence of its widespread use in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In addition pernacha Polubotko, shaped ornament decorated mace P. Teterі (Seventeenth century.), mace seventeenth century. funds from the National Museum of History of Ukraine, Good Friday pernach Colonel O. Yakubovich (Eighteenth century.), that comes from the collection of Basil Tarnowska.

So, pernach fits into the chronological framework of Mr.. Polubotko on polkovnytskomu government.

It is interesting, just replіtsі portrait of Paul Polubotka (copy of the early nineteenth century.) with Lyubetska house Miloradovich reproduced pernach another type: head consists of 11 Continuous feathers trapezoid form. Similar Regalia seeing the portraits Lubensky Colonel L. Candles (about 1688 р.), Pereyaslav colonel C. Sulima (1754 р.) and many engravings of famous masters and. Schyrskoho.

The museum is represented by another attribute of power with carved inscription on the hilt: "Pernacha chernigovskogo Colonel Paul Polubotka 1707" (inv. Number I-4525). However, there are doubts about its origin Polubotko. Some evidence of this memo is not found in the sources, specified in the inventory book, it comes from the collection of Basil Tarnovsky and recorded in the catalog for the collector number 298. In fact, under this number contains a description and illustration pernacha Perejaslavskogo Colonel Gregory Ivanenko (1768–1782), which is absolutely identical inv. Number I-4525. In addition, inventory numbers 1920 (1423, 9178) close to the marks on the Regalia from the collection Tarnowska. Ornamental features pernacha characteristic of the mid-eighteenth century. Its head is elegant, spherical, має вісім пір’їн з волютоподібними ребрами, оздобленими перлинником і спіралевидними завитками. У мережчатому візерунку пір’їн переважають акантові листочки, які примхливо вигинаються і закручуються на кінці. Руків’я гранчасте, перехоплене трьома профільованими поясками. Для остаточного з’ясування приналежності пернача Григорію Іваненку чи Павлу Полуботку ретельного палеографічного дослідження потребує власницький напис. Цей напис міг з’явитися у середині 1930-х років, коли з музею вигнали фахівців, а їхні наступники з кон’юнктурних мотивів задля створення ідеологічно витриманої експозиції “підписали” пернач.