18 June 2021 year in the Chernihiv Historical Museum VV. Tarnovsky will host the opening of the exhibition "PATRIARCH OF NORTHERN CARVING" (to the 80th anniversary of the carver Anatoly Koloshin).
Колошин Анатолій Іванович, заслужений майстер народної творчості України (1996), presidential scholarship holder, member of the National Union of Artists (1983) and the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine (1991).
Народився 8 June 1941 in the city. Novgorod-Siversky in Chernihiv Oblast. While still a schoolboy, the boy started tinkering, and after graduating from school he entered 1958 year to the Yavoriv School of Arts and Crafts (Lviv region) to the department of carpentry and carving. Three years of intensive training provided knowledge and practical skills in various types of carving: contour, geometric, a lot, Yavoriv. 1970 year returned to his small homeland.
He worked as a creative master in the newly created souvenir shop of the Novgorod-Siversky forestry. Anatoly Ivanovich preferred the technique of triangular-notched carving, characteristic of the northern traditional carving, composed traditional motifs of six-petalled and vortex rosettes, diamonds, teeth, spikelets, grooves, waves in the original ornamental compositions on the boxes, decorative plates, salt shakers, shelves, furniture. He experimented with different technologies: toning, waxing, smoke.
A peculiar autograph of the carver is a six-petalled rosette - an ancient symbol of the sun. The rosettes are then combined into one large ornamental composition, then single, doubled, triplets are surrounded by other motives. Successful arrangement of traditional "vortex" sockets, diamonds, teeth, spikelets creates original patterns, gives the works of the artist originality and unique decorative sound.
Anatoly Ivanovich is the founder of a modern carving school. Thanks to him in the mid-1970s, a whole galaxy of new generation Chernihiv carvers appears: Anatoly Ivankov, Victor Vorozhbyt, Anatoly Bondarenko from Novgorod-Siversky, Alexander Kolosha from Chernihiv, Serhiy Sviatny and Hryhoriy Vasylenko from Nizhyn. Thanks to Koloshin, Novgorod-Siversky was and remains a recognized center of carving in the Chernihiv region., в якому, except him, there are three more honored masters of folk art: Anatoly Ivankov, Victor Vorozhbyt, and also a son - Andrew, who continues his father's work with dignity.
Collection of works by AI. Koloshina in the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky counts 33 units. This is a hunter, skirts, plates, table, shops, support, mugs, salt shakers. It was formed thanks to the fruitful cooperation of Anatoliy Ivanovych with the staff of the newly created Museum of Folk Decorative Art of Chernihiv Region - a department of the Historical Museum., which was established in the 1980s. 1983 year in its walls was an exhibition of works by masters of the souvenir shop, where it was possible to get acquainted, among other things, with the works of Anatoly Koloshin. 1990 A joint exhibition of the now Honored Masters of Folk Art Anatoliy Koloshin and the embroiderer from Chernihiv Natalia Chernyak took place in. Do 2002 year, a personal exhibition of the master, dedicated to his 60th birthday - the last in the premises of this museum: 2006 Catherine's Church, in which it was contained, was transferred to the religious community. У червні 2011 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary in the exhibition hall of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V.. Tarnowski held a retrospective exhibition "Beauty, born a chisel ”, prepared jointly with the Chernihiv branch of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine.
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