Chernihiv in 1920 - 1930 ies
The exhibition hall is dedicated to one of the most tragic pages in the history of Chernihiv-Seversky region - the interval between the end of Liberation Struggle, the formation of the Bolshevik regime and the beginning of World War II.
The exhibition begins with a reconstruction of the events of the region after long days of hostilities liberation struggle. For the first time shows the fate of rebels, that continued armed struggle against the Soviet-Bolshevik government by mid 1920.
Reveals the theme of culture and education in the territory of Chernihiv region during the 1920-1930's., Ukrainization policy, its collapse, of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, anti-religious struggle and the situation of the church in this difficult period, arrests in the case trumped Union of Liberation of Ukraine. Exhibited bells XVIII., items and documents arbitrarily repressed power Vsevolod Hantsova, Paul Fedorenko, Boris Pilipenko, Make Voronoho, Mohyla family, etc.. A separate showcase presented the history and the museum, during this period led his active, including museum workers, who suffered repression - Stepan Baran Butovych and Peter Smolichev.
Presented and tragic page in the history of Ukraine, associated with purposeful genocide against the Ukrainian people, the 1932-1933. - Famine. You can see unique photographs of photographer Nikolai Baturin Bokanya, whose family also suffered during the Holodomor. Materials exhibition reveal the activities of the regional offices' Torhsyn ".
Mass repression second half of 1930. represented by two interiors - room Chernihiv, where there was a search and cabinet NKVD documents on criminal cases spouses Vasilenko. In addition, you can see the minutes of meetings notorious court "triples" with sentences of firing people and things, were buried in Halyavynskomu tract during mass terror.
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