17 May 2021 , in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky to the International Museum Day and to the 125th anniversary of the museumwas opened exhibitionsin "Artists of the museum - 125 years of inspiration ».
Known in Ukraine and abroad for his collections, bright, dramatic story, the museum also boasts a galaxy of talented employees. Among them were talented artists, through the efforts of which the Chernihiv Historical Museum was able to take one of the leading places among the museums of Ukraine and acquired a unique "face".
Academic, the works of the museum director Ivan Rashevsky are distinguished by their classical style (1843–1921); restorer Mykola Kasperovich (1885–1938) was a supporter of the avant-garde trends of the early twentieth century.; the documentary authenticity is evidenced by the paintings of the museum artist Mikhail Lozhechnikov (1882–1951); historical artistic reconstruction is the work of a local historian, artist George Petrash (1901–1985) and Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexander Bondar (1986 р.н.); calm, the works of museum artists Vasyl Pohonyail stand out for their cozy style of performance (1926–1999), Nina Vargan (1951 р.н.) and photographer Alexander Tereshchenko (1983 р.н.); exquisite decoration is inherent in the paintings of the artist Elena Shapovalova (1966 р.н.).
Her catalog was presented at the opening of the exhibition. 25 original works of art, presented at the exhibition, are stored both in private collections and in various museums of Ukraine: Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky, Chernihiv Regional Art Museum. Gregory Galagan, National Art Museum of Ukraine, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture.
Exhibition "Artists of the Museum. 125 years of inspiration "was created as part of the celebration of the anniversary of the Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky.
On the eve of the opening of the exhibition, a Museum meeting was held "Artist Mykola Kasperovich" (12 May). Mykola Ivanovych Kasperovych was born near Kozelets in the Chernihiv region. He came from a noble family. He graduated from the Krakow Academy of Arts. He gained practical experience of restoration in Paris, Venice, Florence. He worked in the museums of Lviv, Kyiv, Chernihiv.
About the way of life, creativity and life tragedy of a world-class restorer were told by Tetyana Tymchenko (кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент, Head of the Department of Technology and Restoration of Works of Art of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture), Marina Sochenko (senior lecturer at the Department of Painting of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, заслужений діяч мистецтв України, volunteer), Oksana Marychevska (Scientific Secretary of the National Art Museum of Ukraine).
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