To the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression

From the family of Mykola Mohylyansky. Wife, daughter

Last year (2011) collection of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowski was supplemented by materials from archival investigative cases of the 1930s. Among them are copies of documents, obtained from the archives of the Office of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. They concern the wife and daughter of the ethnographer, anthropologist, Professor Mykola Mykhailovych Mohylyansky (1871–1933) - Maria Dmitrievna and Sofia Nikolaevna. Thanks to his great-granddaughter Anna Makovetskaya, who lives in St. Petersburg, the museum staff learned about the location of the investigation files and had the opportunity to get acquainted with some documents. I managed to read another one, unknown before, page of our past.

MM. Mohyla, older brother of the writer, literary critic and translator Mykhailo Mykhailovych Mohylyansky, born 18 December 1871 року в Чернігові. In 1889 graduated from Chernihiv Men's Gymnasium and continued his studies at the Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, St. Petersburg University. In his last years he specialized in geography and anthropology. After c 1893 year of university for another year studied at the Military Medical Academy. In 1894 year left for Berlin, where he listened to lectures at the university. On 1895 by 1897 year studied in Paris, в "School of Anthropology", specialized in anthropology, archeology and ethnography. He published his first scientific work in the Revue de I’Ecole d’Anthropologie de Paris. After returning to St. Petersburg, he worked at the Museum of Anthropology of the Academy of Sciences. At the same time engaged in teaching: in 1898–1910 he taught geography at the Teachers' Institute and the 1st Cadet Corps.

On 1901 year - custodian, head of the ethnographic department of the Russian Museum, repeatedly went on an expedition to collect ethnographic material. In 1907–1908 he became acquainted with museum work in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, was present at the opening of the "Nordeska Museet" in Stockholm.

According to his political views, Mykola Mohylyansky belonged to the liberal intelligentsia, was a member of the Cadet Party. “During the university course I independently took courses in the history of philosophy and carefully read three volumes of Marx, the theory of political economy and all Marxist literature of the time - never being carried away especially by the doctrine, but considering the basis of socialism the highest truth, especially influenced by Herzen, which I read three times binge. “From the other side” I know almost by heart and was eager to rush to Western Europe, ... but the biggest hobbies were: Pergamon wreckage and Wagnerian music, first revealed to my feeling and consciousness ”.

In May 1918 Dr.. during the reign of Hetman Skoropadsky Mykola Mohylyansky was appointed comrade of the Secretary of State.

In May 1920 year M. Mohylyansky left for Constantinople, a month later - to Paris, where he became the editor of the magazine "La jeune Ukraine", created the organization "Ukrainian National Committee". And in exile he continued his scientific and pedagogical activities. From 1921 to 1923 he taught at the Sorbonne (Faculty of Sciences), в "Lycbe Henri IV" і "Lycbe Janson de Sailly". On 1923 Mykola Mykhailovych lived in Prague in, where he lectured at the Russian Pedagogical Institute named after Jan Kamensky (1923–1926), at the Russian People's University (1924–1926), at the Russian Institute of Agricultural Cooperation (1926). He was a member of the Russian Academic Group in Paris and Prague. His articles have been published in many media and scientific journals: "Last news", "Wheel", "Common cause", "Today", "Native word", Voice of the Past, "Link", "Archive of the Russian Revolution", “Scientific works of the Russian National University in Prague”, «Slavia», Prager Presse and others. The Czechoslovak government paid the professor a scholarship.

Nikolai Mikhailovich died 1 February 1933 year. He was buried in the Olshansky Orthodox Cemetery in Prague. The tomb was preserved until recently, but it was recently demolished because of it, expired lease. Descendants are one year late.

In Prague MM. Mohyla lived alone, without family. His wife and daughter remained in Russia, in Petrograd. The wife of the scientist Maria Dmitrievna was born 10 November 1873 year in St. Petersburg in a noble family. She graduated from the Sorbonne. In Soviet times, as before the revolution, worked as a teacher. In the early 1930s she taught German at the Leningrad Academy of Arts and Fire Engineering College.. Lived at the address: Vasilevsky Island, 6-and line, house 27, flat 3.

8 March 1933 A search warrant was signed for Maria Dmytrivna's apartment and arrest. The same day M.D.. Mohylyanska was arrested. It took place in the investigative case "№ 169-33 » underground populist-SR centers, headed by the "Ideological and organizational center of the populist movement" (cells of the 98th, 32-her, 76-and Leningrad Soviet schools, Tolmachevskaya FZN, the center of teachers of the former N.-Vasileostrovsky school, cell in the Society of Former Political Prisoners, circle of young populists, branch of the "Union of Free People" and a group of populist intellectuals at the center). Maria Dmitrievna together with Maria Borisovna Bauer, associate professor at the Lesgaft Institute, accused of that, that they:

"and) Contacting the ideological and organizational center to. Dr.. Socialist-Revolutionary Organization created from the former. teachers and former students. n-Vasileostrovsky school, previously directly related to the former. PK PSR, underground Socialist Revolutionary-Narodnik cell and led the cell;

be) Regular meetings were held at the apartment of Mogilyanskaya, where, in the presence of a member of the center, Bryullova-Shaskolskaya discussed current political issues in the spirit of. Dr.. program installations of the modern populist movement;

in) set to. Dr.. connection with the Socialist Revolutionary political link;

g) outlining the organization of the populist, free from the influence of state ideology, schools consolidated the old cadres of teachers of the Socialist-Revolutionary-Narodnik direction and populist-minded former. students of the N-Vasileostrovsky school;

d) led systematic propaganda to. Dr.. program and tactical installations of the "Ideological and organizational center".

“The accused Mogilyanskaya pleaded fully guilty”, - stated in the document.

21 April 1933 A meeting of the ODPU Plenipotentiary Representation in the Leningrad Military District took place in, on which Maria Dmitrievna, accused under Art. 58/11 Of the Criminal Code, sentenced to five years in a concentration camp. At the same time, imprisonment in a concentration camp was replaced by deportation to Kazakhstan for the same period.. Its further fate is currently unknown.

9 March 1933 Mykola Mykhailovych's daughter, Sofia, was arrested in another case in 2006. She was born in Chernihiv 8 May 1903 year. In the metric book of St. Catherine's Church, where 16 in May she was baptized, such a record was made about the father: "Hereditary nobleman, Lecturer, St. Petersburg Teachers Institute. Receivers: hereditary honorary citizen Andrei Petrovich Laskoronsky and noblewoman Anna Nikolaevna Maksimovich ". The latter is the sister of Mykola Mohylyansky's mother.

Софія, like her parents, also received higher education. She graduated from the Leningrad Geographical Institute and foreign language courses. At the time of her arrest, she was teaching English at the Leningrad State Optical Institute. She was married to Volodymyr Antonovych Mikhnovsky, who worked as an economist in the Lennerud trust, had a son, Dmitry, six years old. They all lived together with Maria Dmitrievna. An investigative case was opened against Sofia Mykolayivna “№ 2840/33 » on charges of crimes, provided for in the article 58/10 Of the Criminal Code. ODPU was known, that in 1924 Sofia participated in the distribution of Menshevik leaflets at the Leningrad Geographical Institute.

The indictment stated, that C. Mohyla is extremely hostile to the Soviet government and is an implacable enemy of the existing system., which was confirmed by her testimony: "Staying on the policy issues of the CPSU(be) and Soviet power, I consider this policy a policy of clamping down and oppressing human freedom and thought. ”. She considered it impossible to build socialism in the USSR: “The unreality of the policy of the Soviet government is characterized by the ongoing industrialization and collectivization and striving through huge, unnecessary victims to build socialism, which is completely impracticable in the USSR due to the backwardness and lack of culture of the country. I believe, that there is no such purpose, which would justify such sacrifices, which are brought now ". And more: "Despite the opposition of the policies of the Nazis and Communists, event methods are the same. I do not see political freedom in the USSR. I regard such freedom, as a general imprisonment of the entire population ..., t. to. political thought does not find expression, if it does not belong to a certain sense. I understand political freedom as freedom of the press., the words, meetings and elections for all, since I don’t recognize the class struggle. I do not recognize any dictatorship, I recognize a democratic government, as exercising freedom ”.

9 April 1933 year, a month after the arrest, at a meeting of the troika of the authorized representative office of the ODPU in the Leningrad military district decided: “Mogilyanskaya Sofia Nikolaevna to send for Zap. Sibkrai, for a period of three (3) year, counting the period from 8 / III-33. "

Almost a year later, 16 February 1934 year investigative case SM. Mohylyanska was reviewed at a meeting of the ODPU Board: "Mogilyanskaya Sofia Nikolaevna to be released from punishment ahead of schedule".

Sofia Nikolaevna returned to Leningrad, to his family and got a job as an English teacher in the 33rd school of factory training. However, a free quiet life did not last long. The penal authorities did not let the woman out of sight and did not leave her alone.

25 March 1935 year, the head of the NKVD of the USSR in the Leningrad region signs a warrant № 13475 to conduct a search and arrest SM. Mohyla. On the same day, Sofia Mykolayivna was arrested again. And the next day the investigator of UNKVD across the Leningrad region, having considered the investigative material on the accusation of SM. Mohyla, wrote in conclusion: "Mogilyanskaya S.N. comes from a family of hereditary nobles. Father, formerly. fellow state secretary of the government of hetman Skoropadsky in. Kiev in 1918 g. together with the white fled to Prague, where was before 1933 g.

Mogilyanskaya S.N. in 1924 g. with permission. department went to Prague to his father, where was the month. He maintained contact with him on the day of his death. 1933 g.

Mogilyanskaya S.N. in 1933 g. OGPU authorities arrested for participating in an anti-party group at the Ethnographic Institute, courts by 58 Article. P. 10. Convicted [of] 3 years of deportation and was serving a sentence in the West Siberian Territory until 1934 g.

Uncle of Mogilyansky - Mogilyansky Mikhail Mikhailovich - Menshevik, lives in g. Kiev, his daughter, Mogilyanskaya Lidiya Mikhailovna, was convicted by the OGPU in one of the major cases in Ukraine 1925 g. of 10 years of expulsion and is currently under construction at the Moscow – Volga Canal, married to one of the channel employees.

Mogilyanskaya S.N. up to the present time keeps in touch with the participants of the a / p groupings convicted and having served their sentence, living now in Leningrad. Mogilyanskaya S.N. infused sharply a / s, stating at the investigation, that "Sovvlast acts sharply with the intelligentsia, repression embittered her ". And finally: “Mogilyanskaya Sofia Nikolaevna to be imprisoned in a concentration camp, her husband, hereditary nobleman Vladimir Antonovich and son Vladimir (in fact - Dmitry - T.Zh.) - send to Ufa to 5 years old".

In the excerpt from the minutes of the "Special Meeting of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR" from 31 March 1935 Dr.. can be read: "Sofia Nikolaevna from Mogilev, like social. dangerous element, deprive 15 P. P."

Anna Makovetska claims, that her grandfather and great-grandfather were not sent anywhere and were not arrested at all. They completely voluntarily went for Sofia Nikolaevna to Tashkent. На початку 1940 year SM. Mohyla was sent to the Kzyl-Orda region of Kazakhstan. The husband and son remained in Tashkent. Before leaving, it was decided to file for divorce, to protect his son from possible trouble, and has since written in questionnaires: “I have no information about my mother”. All this allowed Dmitry after graduating from school to enter the Institute of Military Translators in Moscow. Vladimir Antonovich remained in Tashkent and worked as a restorer of mosaic panels for the rest of his life.

Sofia Nikolaevna remarried the same exile, as herself. She gave birth to another son - Leonid Muravlyansky.

In comparison with the fate of Mykhailo Mohylyansky's children, the fate of Mykola Mohylyansky's descendants was relatively happy.. All survived the terrible Stalinist years.

The last years of SM's life. Mohyla held in Leningrad. Влітку 1970 year she visited Chernihiv, where she stayed with her friend Elena Kisil, wife of the famous Ukrainian theater critic Oleksandr Hryhorovych Kysil.

The two of them visited the Chernihiv Historical Museum. Learning about the history of the museum, Sofia Nikolaevna remembered, that it contains a separate brochure article of his father "Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities VV. Tarnovsky Chernihiv provincial zemstvo ", which was published in Petrograd in the magazine "Living Antiquity" in 1914 year, and offered it to the museum. In the autumn of the same year, Chernihiv museum workers received a parcel with an imprint of the article. The author's daughter made an inscription on its cover: “Museum to them. VV. Tarnovsky from Sofia Nikolaevna Mogilyanskaya. 15/IX-1970. ”* Now a gift from SM. Mohylianska is stored in the museum library. Moreover, To the Chernihiv Historical Museum Sofia Nikolaevna transferred a small work of one of the first directors of a museum of the known artist I. Rashevsky's "Bosphorus". In 1984 This work of the artist was transferred to the newly formed Chernihiv Art Museum.

SM died. Mohyla in August 1974 year, buried in Volkovsky cemetery.

Тетяна Журавльова

(Treasury of Ukrainian culture. - Issue 14. – 2012. - S.245-250.)